8. Pie

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Tendou rubbed his eyes, incredibly tired. Ushijima stopped rambling for a moment. "Is this boring?"

"No, no. Sorry. Just a little sleepy." Tendou smiled.

Ushijima blinked. Tired? He wasn't tired...

"Mm. Oh! I have a question!"

Ushijima startled for a moment before relaxing. "What is it?"

"Mm. Well. You've got a bag of toys and stuff. Why is that?"

"Oh." Ushijima shifted. "I just like them."

"Well you already said that." Tendou mumbled. He yawned. "There's gotta be another reason."

Ushijima looked into his lap, playing with his hands.

"Mm... do you have ADHD? Goshiki has that."

"Not exactly." Ushijima mumbled. He didn't like being pressured. This wasn't good. Tendou had been so nice to him but what if he told his boyfriend? His boyfriend would make fun of him...

Tendou rubbed his eyes again. "I don't get it."

"I'm autistic." Ushijima said quickly. He pulled his hair for a moment.

Tendou smiled. "Okay."

Ushijima looked at him and managed eye contact for a few seconds. He looked back to his lap. "That's okay?"

"Of course! It's normal. Now." He laid on his side. "Time for bed."

Ushijima started to get up and get out.



"It's really late. Why don't you just stay?"

"Because you're about to go to sleep."

Tendou stared. "Come here. No harm in sleeping here for a night."

"But Flip?"

"Does your neighbor take care of her sometimes?"


"Tell them to feed her then." Tendou closed his eyes. "I'm sure she'll be fine." 

"Right." Ushijima opened his phone and sent the message to his neighbor. "I sent it. Do you want me to sleep in the living room?"

"Nah you can sleep in here with me. It's more comfortable than the couch."

"You have a boyfriend. I'm not supposed to sleep in the same bed as someone who has a partner..."

"I'm sure he won't mind. Besides, you look more comfortable to cuddle with."

Ushijima sat on the side of the bed. He didn't know what to do. 

Tendou noticed and wrapped an arm around Ushijima's waist, pulling him down. "Come on, no need to overthink it. I've got you big guy." Ushijima laid down on his side, facing Tendou. The red head smiled at him. "You're so cute. Hehehe..."

"You seem delirious."

"Probably." Tendou got closer and wrapped his arms around Ushijima's waist. He held Ushijima close, against his own chest. "Mm... night night."

"Good night."

Soon Ushijima heard Tendou's breathing slow and the red head was fast asleep. Ushijima laid there, thinking. He knew he wasn't going to be able to go to sleep soon. Even if all of those romance books he read in high school had scenes where they both fell asleep and had good dreams and cuddled, that wouldn't happen.

Ushijima had always had issues falling asleep so this was going to just be awkward. 

Hold on. 

Why had Ushijima thought about the romance books?

Oh wonderful. Now he was getting more things to think about. 

Tendou shifted in his sleep, holding Ushijima a bit tighter and burrowing into his hair. Ushijima was still tense, not getting it. 

The door opened and Semi walked in. "Are you still awake?"


"Are you okay?"

"I don't think so?"

"Hm... what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure how to relax."

Semi walked over and lifted Ushijima's arm so that he was holding the red head properly. "There. Is that better?"


"Alright." Semi took a bottle off of Tendou's night stand that was filled with a weird purple substance. 

"Thank you."

"No problem. Also, if you want, you can move the blankets and wrap around him. He's really good at cuddling but he's asleep so you'll need to just take a deep breath, focus on his breathing, and you'll fall asleep."

Ushijima nodded. Tendou whined quietly, bending into Ushijima more. Ushijima backed up some, scared he was going to take up too much room on the bed and cause Tendou to be cramped. 

"Ushijima, go back to where you were."

"He'll get uncomfortable."

"No he won't. Goshiki sleeps on top of him most of the time so I think you'll be fine."

Ushijima nodded. He closed his eyes, trying to focus. Tendou's breathing was steady and repetitive. Ushijima liked things that repeated. That was okay. 

Tendou smelled nice too. Kinda like pie.

Ushijima grabbed Tendou's shirt, shaking his head back and forth quickly on Tendou's chest.

Semi smiled. He walked out and left Ushijima to stay there.

Ushijima hummed. He got excited, practically buzzing with this information. Tendou smelled like pie. He was also nice and warm and Ushijima loved it.

Tendou huffed, opening his eyes. "Ushy…" He mumbled.

Ushijima tensed.

"You… mkay?"


"You uncomfy?"


Tendou stared at his desk for a moment. He yawned. "Ooh… you're… mkay… what made ya happy?"

Ushijima flushed ever so slightly. "You smell like pie."

Tendou smiled. "Mkay." He closed his eyes and fell back asleep.

Ushijima paused he sniffed again and smiled. He moved the blankets up and snuggled closer. Tendou gulped quietly and sighed. Ushijima closed his eyes and got himself to attempt to stop noticing so much.

Yes Tendou smelled like pie. Yes Tendou's blankets were incredibly soft and really nice.

But he needed sleep so bad.

He relaxed and soon enough fell asleep, feeling nice and warm and asleep.

It felt really nice to just lay in Tendou's arms and in his warmth. Tendou was really, really nice and really, really comfortable. So new rule. Tendou would be Ushijima's favorite person to hug if he agreed.

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