29. New Things

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Sugawara got close to Tendou, giggling. "Soo? Where'd that hickey come from?"

Tendou chuckled. "Let's just say he's not asexual."

"Yes! He's not a virgin!"


"Aw man I was gonna teach him how to tie you up." Suga pouted.

"Okay first of all." Tendou turned. "Kinky. Second, I wasn't gonna make him have sex."


"I uh…" Tendou pushed on the inside of his cheek with his tongue, pointing to his slightly open lips.

Suga flushed. "Woah."

Tendou laughed.

"Wait then... Hickeys?"

"That was before. He likes neck kisses." Tendou giggled. "He's so cute."


Tendou nodded. He got up, yawning. He headed over to the door and it opened as soon as he walked to the door, whacking him in the face. "Ack- ouch."

Ushijima paused. "Did I just hit you with the door?"


"I'm sorry." Ushijima saw blood trickle out of Tendou's hands. "Oh no…"

"Ish okay." Tendou turned to get some tissues. Ushijima went past him and got a wad of tissues. "Hm?"

"Tilt your head forward." Ushijima eased the tissues up against Tendou's nose. "You'll need to wear your light jacket when we leave because of the blood."

Tendou gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm sorry…"

"Ish okay Ushy!"

"But it hurts?"

"I mont mind!" Tendou eased the tissues away. "See? All better."


Tendou laughed. "Okay. Suga, come on. Daichi is treating us to dinner, remember?"

"Yep!" Sugawara got up and followed them.

Daichi looked over and smiled. "Koushi."

Suga attached to him. "Mm. Nice to see you."

"Your ring fitting better?"


Tendou rolled his eyes. "They're sappy." Ushijima wrapped his arms around Tendou's waist, waiting for the others. "I take back my words."

Ushijima hummed.

Soon enough Tendou was listening to Sugawara, making himself aware of the situation ahead of him.

Akaashi and Bokuto were going to eat with them tonight. Ushijima had been told what things he wasn't allowed to talk about and everything but Tendou had to watch out for him, knowing his impulse was to say something.

Something about how skinny Akaashi was.

Right now though they were waiting for Bokuto and Akaashi, worried.

Those two were never late.

Sugawara looked around. "Ah! There's their car. I'll ne back." He rushed off.

Daichi sighed. He walked inside the the restaurant. "Don't worry, Koushi knows where to go." Daichi led them to a room with a waiter.

Tendou and Ushijima sat on one side of the table on the floor, finding it comfortable quickly. Daichi sat down as well and Suga came in. Akaashi and Bokuto were close behind, Akaashi trembling.

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