31. His Love

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Tendou smiled, snuggling closer to Ushijima. "Bub…"

Ushijima yawned quietly. "Hm?"

"I love you Bub."

Ushijima shook his head, curled into him. "Mm… I love you too…"

Tendou looked up. He made fish lips at Ushijima. "Gimme a kiss."

Ushijima kissed Tendou, slow.

"You're probably a bit sore…" Tendou rubbed Ushijima's lower back. "You feeling okay? Hurt much?"

"Not too bad." Ushijima whispered. He closed his eyes.

Tendou smiled. "Alright…" He ran his fingers through Ushijima's hair. "Bub…"


"You hungry?"

Ushijima shook his head. "Sleepy."


Ushijima wrapped his legs around Tendou. "I'm glad I helped Akaashi yesterday."

Tendou nodded, rubbing Ushijima's cheek. "I'm very proud of you for letting yourself talk."

"I wanted to talk."

"I'm glad!"


Tendou kissed his cheek. He sat up slowly. "I'll be right back!"

"Mph." Ushijima patted the bed, whining. "Satori!"

"Ushy I'm getting you water."

Ushijima hit the bed again. "Come here!"

Tendou laughed. He got back in bed and snuggled close. "What's got your panties in a bunch?"

Ushijima opened his eyes. "Um. What?"

"Ah. Nevermind. Why are you whining at me?"

"Because I want you to stay. I love you and you're warm."

Tendou rubbed his side. "Well. I love you too."


"Ushy! Come here darling!" Tendou held an arm out.

Ushijima went to him.

Tendou wrapped his arms around his neck. "Arms where I told you darling."

"Ah." Ushijima put his arms around Tendou's waist.

"Hehe good job."

Ushijima didn't smile back. But he did shake his head slightly. He was happy. Tendou smiled at this. He shifted foot to foot, going in small circles.

Ushijima kissed the top of his head. Tendou hummed. "The studio is better quiet."

Ushijima nodded. He felt the dip in Tendou's back.

Tendou put his head on Ushijima's chest, swaying slowly. Ushijima kissed under his eyes where freckles clustered like glitter. Tendou hummed softly. "You're so gentle…"

Ushijima stayed there, moving as Tendou did.

The red head relaxed. It felt nice today. The sun was peeking into the studio, the rays a wonderful orange against the hardwood. Tendou turned slowly, giving Ushijima a tired smile. "Can I have a kiss?"

Ushijima hummed. He kissed Tendou, still nice and slow.

"You don't look tired anymore."

"I'm not tired." Ushijima whispered. He kissed Tendou again.

"Mm..." Tendou closed his eyes. He couldn't stop smiling. Everything felt amazing right now. He snuggled closer. "I love you so much…"

"I love you too."

Tendou chuckled softly. "You know, you're pretty cool. I feel better with you."

Ushijima lightly hugged him. "You taught me what love felt like."

Tendou chuckled. "Man I wish I'd get you something…"

"Ah I did get you something."

Tendou opened his eyes. "Oh?"

"I talked with Semi about it first." Ushijima reached into his pocket, holding up a necklace with a small hourglass. "This."

Tendou stared. "It's pretty."

"It has your mother's ashes in it. Semi managed to get some out of your bag and I got this made for you."

Tendou's eyes widened. "You… y-you got Mom's ashes…" Tendou took the necklace gently. "Can you put it on me. Please?"

"Mhmm." Ushijima slipped the necklace on him. "There you go."

Tendou gently held the hourglass. "We had an hourglass in the living room and she would turn it over for me when I was little…"

"I thought the hourglass would be fitting for you." Ushijima smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

Tendou laughed, trying to wipe his tears away. "You're perfect…"

Ushijima held Tendou's face in his hands. "Are you okay?"

"I'm really happy Bub." Tendou smiled. "You've made me so happy." Ushijima smiled. He shook his head. It felt amazing to make Tendou happy so he was overly excited. He helped loudly and Tendou smiled. "Now you're happy…"

Ushijima kissed him, smiling.

"Aw." Tendou kissed the tip of his nose. "Deep breath."

Ushijima took a deep breath, still smiling. "I'm so glad you're happy."

Tendou plopped on the floor. He rolled over and got his phone. "Oh I got a text!"

Ushijima pulled Tendou into his lap.

"Oh my God."

"What is it?"

"Akaashi texted me."


"He reached a hundred pounds yesterday. He's been using your little trick." Tendou looked up. "Ushy you made a huge impact on him."

"I'm glad he's getting better."

"This is huge!" Tendou sat up hurriedly. He started peppering his face in kisses. "Gah you're amazing! I love you!"

Soon after Tendou calmed down some Ushijima left to work. Tendou danced on his own for an hour or two, calm and relaxed as he did so.

He felt like water. Cool. Calm.

Tendou smiled, staring at the sun outside. It'd been a while since he'd gone into the bar and drank something. He wasn't trying to stay sober but he'd fallen into healthy habits.

He'd fallen in love.

He fell into a slightly better schedule for sleeping.

Into a better life.

Tendou picked up his bag and walked to the back door. He walked out and headed down the street, humming softly. He opened the door to the bar and sat down, opening his phone.

"Are you going to stay on your phone the whole time?"

Tendou looked up. "Ah."

"What would you like?"

"Cherry whiskey sour."

"With Vodka?"

"With Vodka." Tendou stated, smiling.

Ushijima made the drink and set it down. "There you go."

Tendou smiled. "Thanks Bub." He took the cherries out and gave them to Ushijima. "I love you."

Ushijima smiled. "I love you too Satori."

Tendou tilted his head, raising his glass to his lips.

Ushijima made eye contact with him. Red. All he saw was red. The cherries. Tendou's eyes. His love.


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