23. Chocolate Milk

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The next day when Tendou showed up for dance, Suga seemed cheery. He was smiling and stopping insults from spilling out. Plus he'd hugged Tendou.

It was really nice. 

"Akaashi told me you and Ushijima took a bath together. How'd that go?"

Tendou chuckled. "It was good."

"Ooh? Juicy details?"

And apparently sexually active and interested Suga was back. Tendou picked up his bag. "Well no. I washed his hair and he sat in my lap, playing with bubbles. He's adorable. The bubbles kept him calm and he was able to focus."

"Aw that's good!"

"Mhmm. Also thanks for suggesting the breathing thing. I forgot about that."

"Is it helping?"

"A lot."

"Like he catches on faster or…?"

"I'd rather not tell you how my boyfriend sleeps."

"Fair enough."

Tendou nodded. "Speaking of which I get to go see him now! How exciting!"

"Aw you two are cute."

Tendou hummed. "He's gonna give me chocolate milk."


"He's so cute. GAH."

Sugawara chuckled. "Mm… so. How's Ushijima? Relationships aren't easy for him so…"

"He's good. Some things confuse him. But, he's doing really good. He's so sweet and is so kind to me." Tendou chuckled. "Ah I sound sappy."

"It's okay. I was like that when Daichi and I started dating. I fell head over heels. Which sucked. But it felt amazing."

"I don't think I'm like that."

"Well... You'll see."

"Sure." Tendou walked out, Suga behind him.

"Why chocolate milk?"

"Cause he's trying to get me away from alcohol. He says that it's not good for me."

"Oh wow."

"I don't question him." Tendou yawned. He walked into the bar and went to his usual spot. Ushijima looked up and smiled. Tendou waved. "Hey Bub! How are you?"

"I'm okay." Ushijima reached under the counter and brought out a glass. "I got it for you."

"Aw… thank you." Tendou took the glass.

Ushijima hummed. "How are your hands?"

"Nice and clean." Tendou held one up. "See?"

Ushijima nodded. "Good job."

Tendou blinked. He flushed. "Aww Bub… fuck I'm gonna cry."


"Because, well, you're so fucking sweet." Tendou flapped his hands. "Oh my God I'm gonna cry."

Ushijima circled the bar and hugged Tendou. "It's okay Satori."

Tendou started crying, holding onto him. "Fuck… you're so precious."

Ushijima nuzzled against his neck.

"Mm…" He kissed Ushijima's temple. "Whew…"

Ushijima kissed his forehead. "Drink your milk, okay? I'll be working."

"Okay. Thank you." Tendou smiled.

Ushijima wiped away his tears. He gently kissed Tendou before going back to his area. Tendou drank the chocolate milk, looking around. It was kind of loud but nothing too bad.

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