11. Breathe

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Tendou looked at Ushijima, who was mixing him his first drink of the night. He wouldn't talk or look at Tendou. "Hey… Ushy?"


Tendou sighed. "I'm sorry."


"Throwing off your routine. You're used to me coming every night, even if I don't order."

Ushijima stopped for a moment. He looked up, his brows furrowed. "How did you know that?"

Tendou shrugged. "I kinda knew already but then Suga kinda confirmed it. Are you okay now? Do I needa give you a hug?"

Ushijima. Set the glass down. "Um. I would like to give you a hug."

"Oh? Great!" Ushijima circled the bar and hugged Tendou close. He could smell Tendou again. Cherry pie. He shook his head and Tendou smiled. "Do I smell like pie?"


"Hmm. Cool." Tendou rubbed his back. "Is this okay?"

"Yes... Your clothes feel very nice. Not very scratchy…"

"I'm glad."

"Mhmm." Ushijima stood up properly and then hurried back behind the bar. "Yuito is here. I'll have Daichi serve you."

"What? Why?"

"He's ableist." Ushijima cleaned up.

"What? Yuito isn't…?" Tendou turned. Yuito spotted him and walked over.

"Hey baby." Yuito kissed his forehead gently.

Tendou pouted. "I told you to stop calling me that."

"But you're cute."

"But I'm also the top and hate the name. So quit." Tendou picked up his glass.

Ushijima took a deep breath. He would put up with this for a bit. He turned to Yuito. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Sure! Red Wine Berry Spritzer." Yuito stated, looking away from Ushijima.

Tendou snorted.

"What's so funny?"

"You're such a fucking bottom! God damn!" Tendou picked up his cherries and ate both of them. "Great as always Ushy."

"I swear I'll put salt in that weird cherry vodka thing."

Tendou fake gasped. "No."

Yuito laughed. "Weirdo."

"Mm." Tendou waited until Ushijima was done with Yuito's drink. "Hey Ushy I'm sorry but can you make me another one? I know you just made one but I kinda want another."

"No need to be so formal." Yuito teased.

Ushijima just kept going on and making Tendou another drink. He set it down and started cleaning again.

"I'm gonna do it!"

"Gah! Yuito!" Tendou whined. He huffed and put his head down. "It doesn't really make it bad but you suck."

"You suck."

Tendou looked away and sighed. He sat back up and tipped his glass back. He put it back down. "Ushijima?"


"Another. Please."

"Daichi gives you food about now. Would you like something to eat?"

"No thanks. Yuito will take me home."


"Mhmm. I'll be back." Tendou headed off towards the bathroom. Yuito playfully slapped his bottom as he walked off. Tendou just hurried to the bathroom from there.

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