10. Routine

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Ushijima huffed, turning over in his bed. He stared at Flip's tank. He went over and picked her up before sitting on his bed with her. "Mm..."

Flip bumped her head on his cheek.

He shook his head, smiling. As Flip kept bumping against him he kept shaking his head, laughing softly.

The doorbell rang and he yelped. He walked to the door to see Suga standing there, smiling.

"Why are you here?"

"Did you turn off your alarms?"

"I might have."

"Ah. Can I come in?"


"Alright. Well. I've got you this to eat tonight since I know that you like it." Sugawara held up a bag.

Ushijima eyed the bag. "What is it?"

"Hayashi rice." Suga held up another bag. "And a slice of cherry pie." Ushijima smelled it and squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head a few times. He was smiling slightly. Suga smiled at his happy stim.

"Can I have it?"

"Of course." Suga held it out.

Ushijima took it and stood there for a moment. "Hang on."

Sugawara waited for a moment for Ushijima to come back. When he did he was holding a set of purple shoe laces. "Oh? What's this for?"

"I want Tendou to have them. I dyed them for him."

"Aw that was nice. Have you been dying a lot of shoe laces lately?"

"Yes. I'm making you blue ones."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Have a good night." He started to close the door.



"When you see Tendou again you need to give him a hug, okay? He really needs a hug. He lost a lot of friends recently and needs one really bad."

Ushijima furrowed his brows. "Okay."

"Good night. Remember to turn your alarms back on, okay?"

"I will." Ushijima closed the door. He turned his alarms back on and sat at his dining table. He turned on the speaker on the table and ate, both legs stretched out towards the chair in front of him.

He stared at it before sighing. When would he let someone inside his apartment to sit in the other seat?


"Tendou! Look!" Suga said happily. He held up a pair of purple laces. "Ushijima dyed these for you!"

Tendou looked up. "Oh that was nice of him."

"Smile you oaf."


"Tendou! Smile!"

"I don't feel like it." He took the laces and started putting them in his shoes. 

"Did you take your meds?"

"Don't know, don't care. Come on we need to practice."

Suga stared at him. "Tendou...?"

"We're here to dance. Let's dance."

"Tendou, your hand is bleeding." Suga whispered. 

Tendou looked at his bleeding hand and sighed. "Well... um... I'll go wash it off."

"Are you okay...?"


"Are you sure? You've been awfully distanced since you've moved in with Yuito."

"I'm sure." Tendou smiled at him. "I promise." Suga looked over him, still frowning. Tendou shrugged. "Believe me or don't."

"Let me talk to Yuito."


"Just let me talk."

"Eh. He's busy with work at the moment."

"Where does he work?"

"The biology building at the university. He's an intern."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Mhmm." Tendou walked off. 

Sugawara opened his phone. "Heyyy Ushijima can I ask a favor?"

"You can ask but I might not say yes to it."

"Ah right."

"I have class in seven minutes please hurry."

"Right, right. If you can find Yuito today please give him my number. Also have you seen Tendou lately?"

"No he hasn't been to the bar in a month. It threw off my routine."

"Okay. Sorry about that. I'll see what's up. Bye bye!"


Suga chuckled and leaned down, going to close his bag. Instead he glanced into Tendou's bag and frowned. "Okay I know you hate reading..."

He looked around and plucked the book up. 'Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Abusive People--And Break Free'.

"Oh God." He opened the book to see several sticky notes in the pages. "You shouldn't have a book like this..." Suga put the book back and headed to the bathroom. "Tendou?! Hey are you in here?!"


"Oh thank God. I think we need to talk."


"The book in your bag."

Tendou looked up from wrapping his hands. "Why are you snooping in my bag?"

"I didn't really mean to but it's serious if you think you might be getting gaslighted..." Sugawara shifted. "Is Yuito being abusive?"

"Woah, woah he's not abusive. I got the book for him to read and I thought I might read it too. He has a really bad friend of his he wants to get rid of."


"No need to worry."

Suga looked to his hands again. "You missed wrapping your middle finger."

"Yeah so I can flick you off." Tendou held up his middle finger up at the other male. He laughed when Suga fake gasped. 

"Ugh. You're so mean to me you jerk." Suga stuck his tongue out. "Let's go and dance you oaf."

"Ugh you're so mean." Tendou followed him out, closing the door. "God I need to get a drink. Is Ushy serving right now?"

"No he has class. But he'll start working around seven thirty."

"Mm… nice. I'll go get something tonight then."

"He's a little mad at you."

"Oh? Ushy gets mad? I thought he was chill."

"Usually but you threw his routine off and he got really upset. He loves routines and rules but you threw him off by not being there."

"Ooh man. I didn't know that. I needa research more…"

"You're researching?"

"Well yeah. Duh." Tendou yawned. "Alright. Let's just dance. This will be interesting."

"Yeah. Specially since you don't have your boyfriend here."

"I guess." Tendou spun around and did finger guns. "Hehehe."


"Shush." Tendou grabbed his hand and dragged him into place.

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