16. Necklace

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WARNING: This is when he has the melt down. If this is wrong tell me.

As Ushijima rifled through his bag to find his necklace, trying to ignore Kuroo being persistent about something stupid. He yawned, opening the front pocket of his bag.

Ushijima furrowed his brows. "I put it right there...?"

Daichi walked in. "Hey."

"Shut up." Ushijima turned over his bag. Instantly a lot of little fidget toys and folders went all over the floor.

"Woah, Ushijima maybe don't-"

"Where is it?!"

"Take a deep breath. What are you looking for?"

Ushijima felt of his chest, maybe seeing if it was there.

"Ushijima what are you looking for?"

The brunette wouldn't answer, searching through his things and around himself. He even looked under the couch, biting a finger. He needed that necklace. It was important. He needed it. Where was it?!

Daichi sat down and organized the folders, knowing Ushijima wasn't going to calm down very fast.

Finally, he started crying and wouldn't talk, just yelping and whimpering. If Daichi dared try to touch the fidget toys he would yell and get more upset. He was so upset he felt like he was on fire but that wasn't stopping him. 

Daichi sat by him. He wasn't going to even attempt at stopping him from pulling at his hair. If Ushijima was upset, he needed to let it out. "So... I'm assuming it was something you need to stim."

Ushijima nodded, now looking through his pile of fidget toys hurriedly.

"Alright... is it that little squishy ball? I don't see that today."

There was another one missing?! Ushijima screamed, hitting the floor. Kuroo walked in and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Something's missing."

"Ah... you need help?"

The only response he got was a teary glare from Ushijima. 

Ushijima went back to searching the little room and panicking, ignoring if anyone dared to talk. Meltdowns for him were always like this. He would be calm for about five seconds before going into panic. His brain would fill with an electric type of feeling and he would cry and scream and hit himself. No one dared to touch him except for the few times Aone had seen him start to panic. 

He hugged him tight and calmed him back down gently before going home on his own. 

It had worked well and Ushijima found what he'd needed. But no one got brave enough to try. They weren't scared of Ushijima, just his strength. 

"Take me home!"

Daichi got up. "Maybe look for it in your car?"

Ushijima let out a huff. He stormed out, frustrated.

Daichi followed him down to his car and watched as Ushijima climbed into it and started looking through the center console. "Ushijima please try and take a-"

"Don't tell me what to do! It doesn't help! I need my necklace!"

"Oh. The Lego one? Alright let's find it."

"No you aren't allowed to touch."


Ushijima kicked his seat.

"Okay... so you want to go home to try and find it?"

"I already told you yes." 

Daichi managed to get him into his car and drive him to his apartment where Ushijima promptly unlocked the door and rushed in, going to the living room and tossing things around, trying to find the necklace. 

Daichi tried his best to stay out of the way and just make sure Ushijima wouldn't harm himself.

The door clicked open and Daichi turned. Tendou came out of the kitchen. "Um... the hell is all of this?"

"He's having a meltdown."

Ushijima screamed before plopping on the floor, sobbing. Tendou's eyes softened. "Ushy... what's wrong?"

"I-I lost my... my necklace."

Tendou hummed. "Alrighty." He knew that Ushijima was attached to that necklace so the sooner he found it, the better. He turned to Daichi, who looked worried. "Is it okay if he's touched or is that like... a big no?"

"No that's okay. Just be careful not to startle him or he might accidentally hit you."

"Noted." Tendou walked forward slowly. "Hey... I know you lost your necklace but-"

Ushijima started hitting his hands against his temples. 

"Okay then... whew. I'm going to touch you, okay? I'll be very gentle." Tendou slowly wrapped his arms around Ushijima and held him tight. "This is what's called a compression hug. I'm not larger than you but it should still work the same way."

Ushijima kept crying, his eyes red and cheeks blotchy. He did accept the hug though, limp in Tendou's arms as he cried. 

"It's okay... you must really want that necklace if you got here before me. We'll find it. If not I'll buy you a new one."

"One of his teammates bought it for him back in high school before he had to quit volleyball. It means a lot to him." Daichi explained. 

"Oh wow. Um... let's wait for you to calm down then. You must be all over the place in your brain right now." Tendou leaned Ushijima back some to look at him. Ushijima looked at him, tears streaming down his cheeks. Tendou wiped his cheek with a thumb. "Deep breaths there Bub... We're gonna find your necklace."

Ushijima nodded, putting his head back down on Tendou's shoulder. 

Tendou just held him, not minding when he felt Ushijima fall asleep on him. It wasn't like he could help it anyways so it wasn't frustrating or something to laugh at. He was exhausted and probably a little overstimulated with all of the noise he'd made and all of the things that had crashed onto the floor. 

"Alright I can't lift him so you might need to just stay there with him." Daichi mumbled. 

"That's okay. He's honestly the perfect weight." He nuzzled Ushijima's hair. "And muscles... Man he's probably so ripped." Tendou hummed. Daichi gave him a disapproving look and picked up a book that had fallen. "What? He probably is."

"I'm not denying it for you."

"Oh my God he's ripped too? Gah damn."

"What do you mean too?"

"Well he's adorable. And sweet. And very caring. And gay..."

Daichi chuckled. "Oh boy."


"You both are very, very gay." Daichi went back to cleaning. 

Tendou shrugged. "I find myself very attracted to him. Which is very nice."

"Mm... I have heard a lot of drunken confessions today and you're just adding on to that."

"I'm completely sober."

"Sure." Daichi looked around. "You know, I've never been inside his apartment. It's really nice."

"Well yeah. Ushy is great at keeping clean. He's rubbing off on me too so my goblin nature is going away." He dramatically sighed. 

Daichi just rolled his eyes. "You got it?"


"Alright. I've got to get home so Suga doesn't get fussy that he was alone. Good luck."

"None needed." Tendou smiled at Daichi, who walked out. He turned his attention to Ushijima, who was very comfortably situated in his lap. Tendou wiped away the tears streaks that had somewhat dried. He needed to find that necklace. 

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