14. Sleepy

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"Ack I'm scared to send it." Tendou whined.

Ushijima looked over from highlighting something in his book. "Hm?"

"The breakup text. I'm gonna get yelled at."

"Can I see your phone?"

"Sure." Tendou handed it over. "I have it typed out but I don't know-"

"I sent it."

"You did not."

Ushijima showed Tendou the phone screen. "I did."

"Oooh God he's gonna get pissed off."

"He can't hurt you if you're not physically with him."

Tendou shifted. "Not all abuse is physical."

"I don't understand?"

"Sometimes people say things to hurt someone's self esteem or to hurt them emotionally. Kind of like building a thing out of legos and then the abuser kicking the Legos down after all of your hard work. Except the Legos are my self esteem and Yuito is the abuser."

Ushijima pursed his lips. "I don't like that analogy."


"Because... Oh. Oh that means that it actually happened. He ruined your self esteem." Ushijima tugged on his hair. "I don't like him."

"Me either." Tendou looked at his phone. "He's typing."


Tendou's eyes widened slightly and then he turned off his phone. "Can I go ahead and fall asleep early?"

"Why? It's not late at all."

"No but I'm not replying to that text."

"Did he say something rude?"


"May I see?"

"Sure." Tendou gave him the phone.

"Oh my…"

"Yep." Ushijima put the phone down and leaned over, rubbing Tendou's hair. Tendou sat still for a moment before starting to cry quietly.

"Oh no. Oh no I'm sorry." Ushijima started pulling his hand back but Tendou held his arm.

"Can I have a hug?"

Ushijima nodded, taking Tendou into his arms.

"Ugh you feel perfect." Tendou held on, sniffling.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

Tendou looked up and smiled, eyes watery. "You'll understand if you ever feel it too. Doesn't have to be for me."

"Feel what?"

Tendou sniffed. "Ah I knew it."

Ushijima furrowed his brows. "You're confusing me."

"There's a feeling I have when you hold me. I don't think you have that same feeling."


"It's not bad! You're quite pleasant."

Ushijima nodded. "I think you might want to sleep now. I won't sleep at the same time as you."


"I have trouble sleeping. Too many thoughts and feelings and sounds have to do with me sleeping and it's very difficult."

Tendou hummed. "I'll stay awake for a bit longer then."

"You need sleep. The doctor said-"

"Ushy. I'll be fine." Tendou smiled. "I'll risk being tired if you get to sleep."

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