7. Legos

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Daichi looked over at Ushijima, who was nodding his head to himself. He smiled. "You alright there bud?"

Ushijima looked up and nodded.

"I'm about to stop to get Tendou some snacks. Do you want something?"

Ushijima held his bag closer and hummed.



"Alright. Do you know what you want?"

Ushijima grabbed one of the straps on his bookbag and twisted it around a bit. "Raisins."

"That's it?"


"Okay." Daichi parked. "Do you want to stay in the car?"


"I'll be right back." Daichi walked off.

Ushijima hummed and reached into his bag. He picked up a necklace and put it on, placing the large Lego looking piece into his mouth. He closed his bag again and took out his phone, still bitting on his toy.

Daichi came back and glanced over before smiling. "You feeling okay?"

"Mhmm." Ushijima showed Daichi his phone.

Daichi stared at the turtle. "That's a nice turtle."

"Her name is Flip."

"Well Flip is very nice. Maybe you should show Tendou a picture of her to make him feel better."

Ushijima nodded. He sat there, biting on his necklace. This is how he prepared himself for going to new places. Find something to distract him and keep him calm.

Then he would stay quiet unless talked to first just like he'd been taught to do.

Daichi parked. "Come on."

They both got out, Ushijima starting to try and mask so he wouldn't scare anyone. He slipped his necklace in his bag and put it on his back properly. "Mm… are his roommates rude?"

"Not at all."


Daichi knocked on the door and Goshiki opened the door. He immediately flung himself at Daichi and hugged him. Daichi chuckled. "Hi there. You okay?"

"Mhmm! Tendou is gonna be home soon so I need to get his room ready."

"Okay. Do you need help?"

"Yes please."

"Alright. Let's go then." Daichi followed him inside, Ushijima close behind.

Ushijima watched nervously as they fixed Tendou's bed and around it. He heard the sensor for the door downstairs and his arm tensed. Goshiki noticed this. "Hey!"


"You're like me!" He turned to Daichi, smiling. "Is he like me?"

"A little bit." Daichi ruffled his hair.

Ushijima stared for a moment. "I don't understand… I'm sorry…?"

Goshiki smiled. "You're neurodivergent. I saw when you were downstairs cause you fixed your stim toys! I'm neurodivergent too!"

Ushijima attempted a smile the best he could. He turned to see Tendou being lead into his room carefully and stepped to the side. Tendou barely registered anyone in the room, going to plop down in his bed and curl up. Daichi went to the other male and covered him up. "Mm. Hi there…"

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