15. Vocal

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Tendou stared at Flip, who was walking around the kitchen floor. Ushijima was cooking above them, stepping around both of them and getting Tendou to get him things. 

Tendou looked up. "Ushy?"


"What're you making?"

"Steamed rice and Yakizakana. I have seaweed in the cabinet." Ushijima put an arm down, his hand holding a pair of chopsticks. "Tell me if this needs salt."

Tendou leaned forward and took the fish into his mouth. His eyes widened. "Holy fruck iz hawt."

Ushijima leaned down with a glass of water. "Don't eat it immediately. I just took it off the skillet."

Tendou pouted at him. He took the water.

"Don't pout at me if you did it."

Tendou nearly spit up the water from the back talk before managing to swallow it. "Pfft. Alrighty there. It does taste good and no it doesn't need salt."

"Thank you." Ushijima stood and kept fixing them their breakfast.

"You're very traditional with your food."

"My mother taught me to cook. So most things I make are very traditional. Luckily I was able to stop her from changing me from being left handed." He opened a cabinet, not realizing his over sharing.

Tendou hummed. He stood and picked up Flip. Flip made a loud whine like sound and Tendou froze. "Huh?"

"Oh. She got startled. Don't worry."

"Okay…?" Tendou held her out for him. Ushijima took her and put her in her habitat.

Tendou spotted a little shot glass with a little red heart on it and bent down, looking at it.

Ushijima came back. "Don't touch that please."

"Ah. Okay."

Ushijima fixed them bowls and sat down.

"So where'd you get the shot glass?"

"My father bought it for me in America. Certain things I hate being touched. Like that."

"Why is that?"

"I'm attached to it. For some reason I hate things I'm attached to to be touched. Like that and my necklace. I can't have people touch those two things and a few others. I get mad about it."

"You get mad?"

"Yes… I'm very physical with my feelings. If I get mad I hit. And I'm very strong. So it's bad."

Tendou shifted. "Can you write those down for me or at least say what they are so I know?"

"I'll list them out for you."


"Mhmm." Ushijima glanced around. "The shot glass, my Lego necklace, a volleyball, and um…"

Tendou tilted his head.

"There's a book next to Flip's habitat about volleyball."

"Wait why is that embarrassing to you?"

"Because I had to stop playing and it makes me sad."

Tendou hummed. "Time to change the subject then. You cook really good food. Like really good."

Ushijima shook his head a few times. Subconsciously, he stretched his legs out and felt Tendou's legs. "Ah wait that-"

Tendou wrapped his legs around Ushijima's. He looked up, smiling. "No need to worry."

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