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Author's Note:I'm trying something new sooo here ya go!Y/n POV!

Song Suggestion:She//Winona Oak

~|Chapter Pending|~

Y/n's P.O.V.:

I open my eyes as something bothered me and I just feel like I should go to the living room,so I silently get out of my bed and open my door as I carefully tried not to step to any creaking floor boards.

I was just about to walk past my father's office when I heard something clank inside,looking at the grandfather clock on the end of the corridor it says that its 4 AM so I'm pretty sure that father is asleep right now.

So I open the door a bit to peak in when I see two figures walking around,whispering to eachother like they're fighting.

"You only need to know one thing!,and that is where's the safe!"one person whispered yelled

"I'm sorry okay!"The other person answered

"You should know one more thing."I spoke up letting my presences known as they looked at me alarmed.

"You should never go inside a house...without know whose inside them"I smirk as I saw fear in their eyes

"Shut her up!"the person ordered his partner but I was faster as I raise my hand and a vine caught his foot making him stumble in the ground making a loud noise that I hope woke my parents and alarmed the guards.

The other guy tried to stop me,but he met the same fate as his partner as I raise ny hand and another vine appeared,catching his ankle and I pull it making him stumble.

I made vines wrapped around theirbwrist and feet like cuffs when I heard footsteps came behind me.

My mother gasped as she saw the two people tied up in my vines as they lay on the floor.

"Honey are you okay?"

"Yes mother"I mutter as she wraps her arms around my shoulders

"Are you sure?"my father asked and I nodded making them both sigh in relief

"Take him away!,call the police!"My father ordered the guards who quickly carried them out of the office.

>>>Time Skip<<<

"Where are all of you last night when we're almost robbed!,the mayor's daughter—the daughter!,was the one who caught them!"I hear Mr.Clark,my father's right hand man,bark on the guards so early in the morning as I walk down the stairs.

"C'mon Clark,its 9 AM,they're caught and that's enough"I spoke up making Clark turn around smiling while the guards look down in shame.

"Goodmorning Ms.Y/n,I'm pretty sure the car is waiting for you outside"Clark informs me as I nodded adjusting my necktie as Clark lends me my blazer before I walk out of the house—mansion.

"Ms.L/n!,where are you last night when the crime happened?"Reporters bombarded me with questions as I walk towards the car,but I ignored them while my bodyguards pushes them away.

"Can we please go now?"I asked the driver as I close the backseat door.

"Yes ma'am"he nodded as he started driving away while I just lean my head on the window,watching the buildings as we pass by.

I never really got to walk around the city,security never let me,but I don't mind,I don't really adore the outside world and I would love to stay inside my bubble.

So I sigh under my breath as the car stops infront of my school and I can see students already walking in the school.

Opening the door,I slam the door shut as I adjusted my bag on my shoulders as I take in the morning air.

I still believe that I shouldn't be here,there's this academy I saw in the television the other day...I think they're called 'The Umbrella Academy'...6 kids adopted by Sir.Reginald Hargreeves,I wasn't adopted in the reason that,you can't really pay the mayor to adopt his kid can you?.

"Hey Y/n,"Chad spoke up as he leans on the locker besides mine,he's not really important to the story,this will probably the first and last time you'll read about him.

"I have something to tell you"he informs me as his friends cheers behind him

"Tell me now,I don't have time"I irritatedly said

"I...I love you and I think you should go out with me"he spoke his words like they're some stale chips...nobody wants them,like him.

"Well..."I started as they look at me waiting for my next words.

"Everybody loves me and what's so special with yours?"I asked as he stood there dumbfounded not saying anything.

"I thought so"I nod as I walk away

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚||𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now