003:The Escape

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003:The Escape

Author's Note:This is long,like I swear this story is longgg

Song Suggestion:Paradise by Chase Atlantic

Word Count:3094

Y/n's P.O.V.:

A daughter shouldn't sneak out of her house in the middle of the night right?,well I just have a feeling that I need to,I can't sleep and I'm pretty sure I already memorized every part of the mansion and the city's beauty at night is irresistable.

So I peak my head out of my bedroom door to see the lamps open that lit the hallways and the only thing I can hear is my breathing so I close my door again before locking it and changing my clothes from night gown to a 'my-escape-clothes' as I call them.

After that I checked my wristwatch and it says that its 12 PM,that means I need to be back at 3,1 hour before they change guards at the gates or else I'll be caught.

So I went to my terrace and made a vine appear that would lead me to freedom!

Yes the mansion is big and I can just walk out without getting seen,but I can't risk it,so I'll just risk my life climbing down two storey using a vine that I made.

In my defense,the nature protects me.

I slide down the fine as I landed on the floor with a soft thump that make me wince slightly,but I just pulled the vine that I made a threw it in the trash bin so nobody would see any evidence,after that I started sprinting towards the trees that surrounded the mansion until I reached the walls beside the gates where a watch tower is.

I then walked towards a tree and I climbed it making me breathe out in relief when I landed on the other side of the wall.

You may wonder,what the hell are we going to do now?,like,isn't it dangerous for thirteen years olds to I dunno,walk around in the middle of the night!?,well I'm a dangerous woman myself so no worries.

I walk around trying to find something new to do tonight since most times I just go to the park,but its friday so there must be alot of people there.

I was about to just go home after walking for an hour when I something or someone caught my eyes making me gasp.

"Five?"I mutter as I walk closer to the boy wearing pajamas?

"Five!"I call out making him turn around fast on his guard like he was about to attack me.

"Its Y/n!"I announce my presence as his eyes widen before looking around and pulling me in an alley.

"What are you doing here?"he asked as I just shrugged

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?,and why the hell are you wearing pajamas?"I asked as he just sighed

"I'm going to get a cup of coffee and this is literally the only clothes I have other than our uniform and training uniform"he explained as I just nodded while frowning

"That sucks,and don't you have coffee in your house?"I ask as I peak out of the alley to see a few people walking around.

"Dad hates it,"Five reasons as I look at him

"Then how did you start liking it if you don't have coffee?"I ask as I wrap my hand on his wrist before pulling him inside a thrift store two blocks away from the alley we came from.

"When you treat us last saturday"Five says as he then notices me looking around for clothes.

"You snuck out of your house to just go shopping?"Five asked as I shook my head no

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚||𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now