026:Lost Boy

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026:Lost Boy

Author's Note:

Song Suggestion:

Third Person's P.O.V.:

Walking out of the academy alone Five's mind roam around another world as he thinks of places where Y/n could have landed as he looks around he then finds a car to which he stole.

Driving around he drove pass the L/n Manor when he saw that its gate are open and he didn't hesistate to drove to the front steps of the mansion as he noticed its open door,defeaning silence and a trail of blood on the floor.

With a heavy heart he ran inside to see dead commission agent's bodies making his heart race as he can't see Y/n around,but it gave him comfort that she must be alive somewhere.

"Y/n!"Five calls out running around the house,but he found it empty as he became more confuse about where is Y/n's parents?,or Mr.Clark?.

Running out of the house to his car,he drove off in a rush to the Griddy's in hopes that maybe Y/n passed by there.

Instead he found the diner empty,deciding that he's already here anyway,he climb out of the car walking in looking around at the once happy place where they used to go to escape the world as Five then realizes that its been such a long time.

Sitting down alone,he reminisces his childhood as he remember sneaking out everynight to meet up with Y/n,but his daydreaming was cut off when the bell on the top of the door chimes.

"Sorry the sink was clogged,"Agnes walks out as Five recognizes her from before,"so what'll it be?"she asks pulling out a notepad and pen.

"A chocolate eclair please,"the man besides Five spoke up and Agnes immediately wrote down his order.

"Sure...can I get the kid a glass of milk or something?"Agnes asks making Five scoff internally as he felt offended by the woman.

"The kid wants coffee,Black."Five spoke up for himself even giving a sarcastic smile knowing that Y/n would have jabbed him in the ribs if she is here...but she isn't.

"Cute kid"Agnes laughs abit confused before walking away to prepare their orders.

"Don't remember this place being a shithole"Five spoke up as the man glances to him as he was confuse why the kid is talking to him.

"I used to come here with my wife when we were younger to order us some coffee and food when we sneak out,sometimes with my brothers and sister then we eat donuts till we puke"Five rants as the man looks more confused as ever.

"Simpler times huh?"Five added and the man nodded subtly.

"I suppose"the man answered not knowing what to really say as he cant contemplate what Five said.

Before Five could even spoke up again Agnes came back with their order putting down the eclair infront of the man while sliding the cup of coffee to Five.

Agnes then looks weirdly at Five as she feels like she recognizes him but before she can even ask what's his name the man offered to pay for the two of them taking her attention away.

"Thanks"Five says and the man just nodded subtly

"You must know your way around the city"Five spoke up as he noticed the jacket the man is wearing.

"Hope so,I've been driving for 20 years"The man explains making Five nod

"Good,I need an address"Five says as the man then gave him the address he needed before he walks out of the shop and drove away in his truck leaving Five alone once again.

But his alone time didn't last that long as the bell chimes once more and Five notices the reflection on the bell.

"That was fast,thought I've had more time before they find me"Five spoke up

"Lets all be professional about this yeah?,on your feet,come with us then take us to the other girl,they just want to talk"The man spoke up as Five then felt at ease that they haven't got Y/n.

"We've got nothing to say"Five retorted

"It doesn't have to be this way,you think I wanna shoot a kid?,and go home with that on my conscience?"The man asks and Five just gave him a shrugg as he slowly wrap his hands around the knife beside him.

"Well I wouldn't worry about that..."Five spoke up as the men gets more confuse.

"You won't be going home"


"Is she okay?"The woman asks as the man carries the unconcious Y/n to the house and lay her gently on the sofa.

"I hope so,I think I just killed a kid"The man spoke up as he stood up nervously tapping his feet on the ground.

"She's alive,don't worry"The woman spoke up checking Y/n's pulse as he eyebrows contorted to confusion but she shook the idea on her mind.

"She's okay"The woman says and the man nodded.

"Come to think of it,she looks familiar"The man spoke up and the woman nodded as they set their eyes on Y/n.

"Yeah she does,weird"The woman spoke up as she realizes that Y/n is still soak from the rain.

"Get out,I'll change her clothes"The woman spoke up and the man nodded walking out of the room even closing the door behind him leaving Y/n alone with the woman.

With a sigh the woman took some of her clothes that is a bit big for Y/n but it will do as she sat beside the unconcious girl.

Slowly she took of the girl's blazer that she read "The Umbrella Academy" and she felt more confuse as the academy's name sound so familiar.

But she became more confuse as she notices the scars and bruises on Y/n's body as she became concern as in her mind Y/n is just a child.

"Five"Y/n mutters in her sleep taking the woman's attention.

"What Five?"The woman asks


"Are you mr.Pogo?"Astro asks looking at Pogo in awee whose making them a sandwich.

"Yes,but you may just call me Pogo"Pogo answered and the twins nodded as they look around.

"Did daddy asked you to take care of us?"Asteria asks and Pogo nodded as he can already see Five's stubborness in the two.

"Cool,he must be busy trying to find mommy"Astro says and Asteria nodded.

"May I ask what is your mother's name?"Pogo asks and the twins looke at eachother before answering.

"Mommy"they answered making Pogo confuse.

"What's her name?"Pogo asks making the twins confused.

"Wait,mommy is her name?"They exclaim and Pogo laughed light shaking his head no.

"No,that's what she is to you,you mother,that is not her name"Pogo explains and the twins nodded in awee.

"It must be Y/n,since daddy calls her that sometimes"Asteria answered and Astro nodded in agreement.

"Y/n?"Pogo asks and the twins nodded as it dawn to the ape that like he predicted,his Master Five and Y/n ended up together.

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