015:The Runaways

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015:The Runaways

Author's Note:We have arrived to THE DAY

Song Suggestion:

Third Person's P.O.V.:

"Number Five!"Reginald calls out for Five but he ran away towards the academy gates where he opens them only to bump into Y/n.

"Woah Five,what's with the hurry?"Y/n laughs adjusting her backpack strap.

"You're here,good."Five says as he interwines his hand with Y/n as he pulls her and they walk away from the academy.

"Where are we going?"Y/n asks

"Lets time travel"Five says making Y/n's eyes widened

"Woah,woah.Five stop"Y/n calls out as she stops Five by grabbing each side of his shoulders.

"What?"Five asks his eyes full of excitement.

"What are we gonna do?We gonna chacha slide this time travelling thing?"Y/n asks and Five nodded

"Yeah"he shrugg and Y/n laughs lightly as she placed her hands on his cheeks.

"Are you sure about this?"Y/n asks looking at his eyes,trying to find any reluctance but she found none.

"Yes"Five answered

"So are you gonna come with me or not?"Five asks as Y/n sighs crossing her arms and Five felt nervous that she's gonna say no.

"Of course I'm coming with you"Y/n says as she interwines her hand with Five.

"I'm glad you will"Five smiles as they started to ran and Five did his magic and they travelled a few years later.

"Oh my god that's amazing!"Y/n exclaims as she looks around before they entered another portal where the scenery changes again.

They did this for two more times until they were met with burned down buildings.

"Five..."Y/n mutters as she looks at Five.

"The Academy"They both whispered as they ran towards the academy hand in hand.

"Ben!"Five calls out

"Vanya!"Y/n screamed

"Dad!"Five yelled

"Five"Y/n mumbles tugging on Five's arm as she notices body laying on the floor near them.

"No..."Five whispered as they walk near the bodies,he kneels beside Luther's body as he sees an eyeball,before facing Y/n again.

"Y/n"Five whispered as he stands up and hugs Y/n as his tears started to fall from his eyes.

>>>Time Skip<<<

"Reginald"Y/m/n nodded subtly as Reginald nodded back as Y/m/n enters the academy with her guards behind her carrying boxes and a covered portrait.

"I know its been a week since Five and Y/n disappeared"Y/m/n breathes out with a heavy heart as the academy looks at eachother with sad eyes,they lost a brother and a bestfriend in one day.

"And I would like to offer this painting Y/n painted herself"Y/m/n stated as the guards hang a covered painting on the mantel and uncovers a painting to see that its a painting of Five sitting sophisticatedly.

"Along with that,I think Y/n would love for you kids to have this"Y/m/n added as the guards gave each of the kids a wrapped box to which they took reluctantly as they can't accept that the gift came from the bestfriend they'll probably never see again.

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