09 | They Did Treat Me So Well

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I slip back into my dorm, taking a few seconds to check my surroundings before slipping into my room.

I quickly strip from my fighting clothes, the black long sleeve and tights being thrown into a corner for me to worry about tomorrow and walk into the bathroom to wash my hair and body, making sure the sweat and any remnants of the fight like blood wash down the drain, then I get out and quickly dry before crawling under the covers, letting exhaustion fill me.

• • •

The next morning when I wake up, the bruise on my jaw is very noticeable, aching with a vengeance but it's still a comfort. Grabbing the small amount of makeup I'd left with; I completely conceal the bruise before getting ready for school and to face Kade - wondering if he'd worked out yet if it was me last night even if he hadn't said anything.

With one last look in the mirror, I throw my bag on my shoulder and head out the door, only to slam into a body that just happened to be standing in my way.

I step back from the wall of muscle and lift my head to stare at Malac but the boy only grins, offering me his elbow.

I take it with a grumble, "Why the hell are you loitering in the hallway like a criminal?"

"I am a criminal." He retorts, leading me down the staircase that still smells of fresh paint.

"Why were you lingering outside my door?"

"I was waiting for you." He leads me across the courtyard, and then to the classrooms, his steps silent but in tune with mine.

We hadn't talked since the closet incident, and it seemed we were both content to just pretend it didn't happen.

I step into the busy hallway, Malac's hand dropping to skim my side and I stop, breathing in slowly before continuing.

"What happened yesterday." I say, not looking over my shoulder at him as I continue to walk. "Whatever it was, is not happening again."

There was too much at stake. Too much put in motion just for her to throw it away over a boy, Elijah would say.

A boy who seemed to make my blood sing and the shadows hidden breath my flesh ready to expose themselves.

He moves to walk beside me, looking down at me but I can see the amusement in his face.

"And what happened?" His voice is smooth, "I remember having a nice little chat with my new friend."

I give him a deadpan look, rolling my eyes skyward.

"We're not friends."

He stops while I continue walking, until he speaks and then I'm looking back, brows furrowed.

"Did you not enjoy yourself?"

I flash him a deadpan look, "if you didn't notice, that's on you."

He grins, lifting his hand to his jawline, rubbing it lazily.

"Oh I noticed," his voice is full of smug male pride and I force myself to look away.

"But if you want to pretend nothing happened so be it." He shrugs and looks ahead, "but I make no such promises." The words are whispered but I hear them clearly.
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Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now