26 | Double Trouble

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I slip through the door into my dorm, shutting and locking it before I reach for the hem of my shirt and remove it, leaving me in the sports bra. I fling the shirt at my lounge but stop at the cool touch of wind against my flesh.

My muscles tense, prepared to fight, hair standing on end at the feel that I'm not alone.

My head whips to the side, noticing the open window to my left.

Fear slices through me, and I go to step back, to escape but a hand wraps itself around my mouth, silencing any noises I was prepared to make, another binding around my waist and pulling me into a hard chest.

My heart races in my chest, thoughts running rampant on what to do, how to get out of this situation. The creature buried deep breath me rises its head, and I will my shadows to come out, to help me but nothing happens. My creature hunkering back down into whatever hell she came from.

Guess I have to rely on myself.

My elbow rears back, slamming into the man's side and a whoosh of air slips past me, followed by a breathless chuckle.

"Fuck, Baby girl, you got quite the elbow on you."

"Malachi." I breathe out and relax in his arms, going slack. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't want me here, baby?" His arms tighten around me, pulling me impossibly close into his body.

I roll my eyes at the pout I can hear in his voice. "Let go of me."

"Okay." His arms unwind from around me and then he's pushing me, right into the arms of the second body that appears.

Killian catches me, brows raised at the scowl I shoot his way.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We want to talk."

My heart drops, palms getting sweaty. "About. . ."

"Us, what we want." Malac says.

I don't say anything. Can't.

"I-" I finally say before I'm cut off.

"You like us both." Malachis voice is so sure, so full of conviction.

"No." I shake my head vehemently. I can't.

"You do." Malachi says, not taking my denial.

"You really think Killian doesn't know I finger fucked you against the closet door, that you squeezed my fingers so-"

"Kai." Killian says, cutting off his twin.

Malachi sighs, the sound loud in the tense silence. "I know you guys kissed."

"Look-" I start but don't know how to continue.

"Just admit you like us both." Malachi says, almost desperate.

"I can't." I say and push from Killian's grip, embarrassed that I'd just let him hold me throughout this whole conversation.

"Why not?" Killian says, words soft and I look up at him.

"Because it's wrong."

"Says who?" Malac adds, "I don't care, Killian sure as fuck doesn't care and if you don't care then that's all that matters. Nobody outside of the relationship has any say."

"Relationship?" I choke out.

"Surely you've realised how obsessed I am with you?" Malachi says lowly.

Killian speaks, forcing my eyes up to his. "Let us show you how good it could be."

He steps towards me, invading my personal space and sucking all thoughts out of my mind until one singular one remains.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now