28 | One Of Many

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Exhaustion wants to pull me further under her embrace but something stronger pulls me out of my slumber, my bleary eyes cracking open.

I feel both Killian and Malachi still beside me, their chest rising up and down with each breath, Killian's fingers delved into my hair like a security blanket.

Malachi hands band around my waist, keeping me anchored to the mattress but it's not either of them that has my attention, my eyes moving to the figure slouched against the wall, his stormy eyes on me.

Our gazes connect and I suck in a silent breath.

Kades eyes sweep from me to the twins and back, narrowing. "Get up."

Malac and Killian shift next to me, Killian's fingers tightening in my hair and Malachis arm curling around me.

Malachi groans, lazy eyes opening to glare at his cousin.

"Fuck off Kade, it's barely morning and too early for you to start your stubborn bullshit."

"Get up." Kade repeats.

Killian moves, leaning up on the bed.


"Noah." Kade interrupts, "we're going for a run."

I blink, realising I'm the one he wanted to get up the entire time and before I realise what I'm doing, I'm pushing Malachis arms off me and slipping from the bed the sheet coming with me. Killian lets me go a lot easier than Malachi who clutches at the sheet like a child, pulling me back into his body.

"Kai." Kade barks and Malachi falls back onto the bed with a groan.

"Fine, but I'm coming:"

"No you're not." Kade says with finality, turning and storming from the room while I follow wrapped in only a sheet.

I should be embarrassed, normally I would be but I don't feel embarrassed.

Okay, maybe a little bit.

I tighten my grip and walk for my closet, shutting myself in and changing quickly before I walk past the twins still in my bed, refusing to make eye contact with them as I walk out and find Kade leaning against the lounge, looking down at it as if he knows what we did there last night.

I swallow and his eyes snap to me and sweep down, lips curling before he turns silently and stalks out, expecting me to follow.

And like an idiot, I do.

He doesn't say a word as he stalks down the stairs and out into the courtyard, long legs reaching the opening for the trail in what feels like seconds.

I cross my arms over my chest and walk behind, starting to feel self conscious with every silent stomp of his feet until finally he talks.

"You don't belong." He says lowly, so quiet I have to strain to hear it and then I'm glaring at his back.

"Excuse me."

He turns to look over his shoulder at me, not even deigning to look at me properly.

"You and them, it won't last."

"How do you know?" I snap, fighting to keep my shadows at bay.

He laughs, the sound full of scorn. "You're not the first, and you won't be the last."

My feet stumble under me and he scoffs

"But Malachi-"

"They lied." He says smoothly, "There was a girl before you, and one before her. You're just one in the line of many."

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now