14 | The Unread Letter

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I spin to face the three guys staring at me. Killian falls back onto the couch, arms stretching over the back of the cushions, giving him a lazy air.

Kade watches me, the silence building between the four of us growing tense. Malachi moves for the fridge, pulling it open and retrieving two waters.

Walking to me, he hands me one and when Kades eyes narrow on the bottle in my hand, and Killian makes a noise, Malachi scoffs.

"You fuckers can get your own shit." He turns from their curious gazes and moves back for the kitchen, rumbling around in the drawers.

I twist the cap off, sipping from the water since it seems I won't be eating today with the way it's already gone.

The cool liquid slips down my throat, quenching any thirst I might have had.

And then I turn to Killian, ignoring Kades eyes.

"So he's your cousin?"

It takes him a second to reply but when he does, his words are low. "His father was the youngest, he took off after our mother died."

Kade snaps his head to Killian like he's said too much but Killian ignores him.

Then Kades eyes swing back to me, "You need to stay away from him."

"Hard to do if he comes near me, and we also go to the same school it seems."

"He's mixed up in some messy shit."

My brows furrow, "are you not?"

Kades eyes narrow, his annoyance with me clear as day. "Just stay away from him."

I don't say anything, watching him oddly for a moment before I nod. "Okay."

He nods back, but the silence stretches between the four of us before Malachi slices through it with a clatter.

I turn my head to him, watching him pull out a pan and place it on the stove, and then he's cooking, the smell of bacon and eggs wafting around the room and causing my stomach to grumble its hunger.

"How do you like your eggs, baby girl."

It takes me a second to answer, my mind having to catch up with the thought that Malac is cooking. For me.

"Scrambled." I answer.

Malachi looks to his brother and Kade, and for a second I think he's going to ask them what they want but he narrows his eyes. "You guys can leave now, I'll make sure Rosie stays out of trouble." He winks at me, the action full of male satisfaction.

"Whatever, I have shit to do anyway." Kade grumbles, pushing off the wall and walking for the exit, the door left ajar behind him.

Killian slips from the couch slowly, his eyes lingering on mine for a moment before looking towards his brother.

But then he's gone too, the snick of the door shutting echoing around the near empty dorm.

I stay silent, buried in my head as Malac cooks, humming to himself every now and then.

Hunger pangs through me and I silence it with a hand to my stomach, promising I'll feed myself soon.

I don't have to wait long, a plate overflowing with scrambled eggs and crispy bacon is placed in front of me.

"I hope you like your bacon crispy because that is the only way I cook it."

I look up at Malac, smiling softly. "Thank you." I say in both gratitude and answer, slipping the plate onto my lap and biting into a piece of bacon.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now