21 | Shadow Of Death

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I stagger out of the ring, my body aching and my mind still buzzing with the adrenaline of the fight. All I want is to retreat to the solace of the locker room, but fate has other plans.

A body slams into my side, shoving me into the side of the ring, the elevated floor digging into my hip.

I hiss at the contact, hand moving down to rub the tender spot and flash a glare towards the person who slammed into me.

But Kade stands in my way, his stormy eyes on mine, with Malachi behind him pummelling a closed fist into the persons unprotected stomach.

I raise a brow even though Kade won't see it behind the mask.

He flicks his chin to the locker, silently telling me to go before he smiles, "go on, we'll see you in there."

I roll my eyes at the overprotective bullshit but turn on my heel and stride away. Killian slides past me, eyes connecting to mine before he's joining Kade and Malachi in their endeavour to piss me off.

I push through the locker, shutting out the noises in the main bar and close my eyes, head thumping back against the red door.

Pushing off it, I start unwrapping my hands, stepping forward before abruptly stopping.

A person is slumped against the lockers across from me and I step closer, eyes running over them in confusion.

It isn't until I get closer that the telltale sign of death hits me, the pallor of their fair skin, forehead still dotted with sweat, eyes blank and unseeing as they stare ahead. At me.

At nothing.

The most confusing and odd sight though is the smile still on their face, as if they died smiling and happy.

I step back, turn on my heal and exit the locker room, shutting the door soundly behind me.

I step around bodies, weaving under outstretched limbs until I find myself in the middle of the crowd.

Glancing from face to face, I catalogue each person until I find that familiar head of hair.

Kade slams the person who had pushed me into the wall again, stepping so close into him as he says something harshly.

Malac watches with rapt attention, eyes dark.

Killian leans against the wall beside him, his eyes sweeping over every person, making sure no curious eyes settle too long on the trio and their victim.

His eyes find me first. He must see something in my gaze because he pushes off the wall and steps towards me.

"No-" He clears his throat, "Red?"

"You guys need to see this." I mutter, keeping my voice low enough that anyone around us can't hear it but loud enough for the three of them to.

Kade spins my way, leaving the beaten man at his back stepping forward. "What's happened?" His voice is tinged with worry, eyes sweeping down my figure to find any unknown injury, lingering on the spot that I'd been stabbed only a few weeks prior.

"You need to see this." I repeat and turn back, leading the way to the locker room.

I feel more than see all three of them following me, stopping at my back as I push the red door in and wave a hand to the dead body.

Kade's swear is harsh and low and he steps past me, reaching the body in only a few long steps and leans down, looking over the dead girl.

"Fucking overdose." He mutters, eyes sweeping up and down the young adult, probably no more than two or three years older than us.

My brows furrow and I look at the body again.

Their lips are blue, almost black under the locker room lighting, eyes seeming to have been bleached of any colour that may have once stained them.

The sight of the death is familiar. One I'd delivered before.

I look down at my hands, clenching them in to a fist as my heart aches and I look back at the person who had been killed by shadows.

But the smile? The smile wasn't anything I'd ever seen before.

"Doesn't look like any overdose I'd ever seen."

Killian steps up to Kades side, eyes narrowing over the body as if looking for clues but the anger on his face shows he already knows enough.

Then he turn to me, "you should get home, Red, we have to clean this up and inform the authorities."

I read through the lines, feeling his hard eyes on me.

Time for me to go, I'm not privy to whatever has gone down here or the conversation that I can see brewing between the three.

"He's right, you can head home." Kade adds on, turning to look at me. "Thank you."

I nod and spin on my heel, wondering who killed the girl if it wasn't one of the three in this room and who else in this godsforsaken town had the same powers I've seen wielded by Malac and Kade.

And me.

The knowledge that there's a lot more at play here than I'd realised has me leaving silently and slipping back to my bike, looking over my shoulder for any other monsters hidden in the night.

What was going on in this town?

I look back at the bar, as if I can see Kade, Malachi and Killian in there.

And who the hell are they?

Slipping on, I place the helmet on my head and twist the key before pushing the bike to a rolling start, the engine revving beneath me.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now