30 | Kades Fucking Rich

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I watch as she stares around my space in awe, still in the entranceway, blocking any chance she has to escape.

I tell myself it was so she couldn't turn and leave when my back was to her.

She folds her arm sick foot of her and spins to give me a glare.

"Are you in the fucking mafia?"

A laugh escapes my lips, "I wish." I say, shaking my head.

She narrows her eyes and turns to look at Malachi and Killian who stare back at her. "Are you in a gang?"

Malachi shrugs, grinning like a lunatic. "Sure, why not?"

"Who was that woman?"

"A loose end." I mutter, stalking past all three of them and further into the house, ignoring the way my dragon claws for me to walk back towards the girl.

I grit my teeth and continue walking, feeling all three of the following even if I want to snap at them to stay where they are.

But I know that won't work. For one, Noah is fucking stubborn and the other two just like to piss me off.

Plus we do have to talk about the witch.

I turn to Noah, arms crossing over my chest and pin Noah with a flare.

"Who the hell are you?"

She blinks at my attention on her, crossing her arms to mirror my stance.

"Who the hell are you?" She spits back, glancing around the opulent kitchen that we've found ourselves in.

I grind my teeth and stalk forward, feeling victorious when she takes a step back even if my dragon growls inside.

"That woman was after you, and so was the man in the bathroom. Both of them, sent here for you." I glare harder. "So tell me what the hell you are and why the fuck you're here?" 

She blinks, shocked. "She was after me?"

I grit my teeth and nod.

"How do you know them man was after me?" She narrows her eyes, staring at me like I'm the enemy here.

I step back, letting myself breath fresh air instead or air permeating with her scent, feeling my dragon become more and more agitated. "I found your photo on him, he knew you. Somehow."

She doesn't seem to hear the words, locking whatever thoughts she had behind her eyes and straitened her spine.

"Well, all the more reason you should let me leave." She huffs.

I narrow my eyes and glance over her body, seeing the car keys hanging from her pocket, and I love, faster then she can react and retrieve the shiny keys, shoving them deep into my own. "You're not going anywhere until you tell us what you're messed up in."

Her glare turns hotter, sharper and scathing as she stare me down. "Let. Me. Go."


"There might be more of them out there." Killian finally speaks and her eyes move to his, softening a fraction and I roll my eyes. "We're not going to let you go off alone."

Guaranteed there's a third out there. Witches and warlocks only travel in threes, their little coven. Two are dead, that leaves one unknown.

"I'm not going to watch you die." Noah says softly.

Malachi moves forward, "What makes you think we're so easy to kill?"

I tilt my head when her eyes flash, "you leaving won't change what's coming after you. If you're so sure we'll die, then leaving won't matter."

She doesn't look at me so I say it again, harsher. "You might not want to watch us - them die, but they'll die anyway. You just don't want to see it. Like a coward, you'd rather hide."

Her flare pins me in place, like a physical entity.

"No." She snaps. "You don't know what you're up against. I'm not going to sit here like a duck while I wait for him to come collect me. I'd rather hide-" she says the words with such disdain, "then let him have me."

"Who is he?" Killian mutters, "let us in Noah, we want to help."

It's almost like she's fighting some invisible force before she mutters something so low that even my dragon hearing can't pick it up.

"Who is he?" I say, my dragon at the forefront of this conversation, his anger like a tidal wave.

"He's my husband."

• • •

"She's not leaving, not until we've found the third in the coven." Killian says and I grunt my approval, more dragon than man right now.

I'd walked off as soon as the words had left her lips, feeling myself close to the edge, needing to gain come semblance of control before my dragon ripped out of my skin and took control.

Who knows what he would do if he had free rein in this state with his mate so close.

"Then let's go hunting." Malachi mutters, a maniacal grin taking over his face.

I hum my answer, "if you want to protect your little girlfriend, you need to convince her to stay."

"She wouldn't leave." He says carefully but there's bound in his words.

"Noah will stay here until we're done." Malachi says like the decision has been made. Like the girl he's obsessed with isn't stubborn and reckless.

I finally take the slightest bit of control. "If you think that, you're stupider then I thought. If she hasn't already left then she will soon."

Their eyes widen when they realise we've left her alone.

"She won't run." Malachi says and I flash a glare his way for saying the word he knows will trigger my dragon but it's too late, my body heating up, a telltale sign that my dragon will escape if I'm ready or not.

"Fuck." Malachi shouts before stumbling back while I run towards the back door, exiting the massive house just before wings sprout from my back and scales grow over my flesh, erupting into my dragon before soaring into the skies.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now