22 | The Library

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I slip through the engraved door, shutting it softly behind me. The fighting clothes still adorn my body as I slip through the shadows, leaving me more wraith than girl as I walk through the haunting shelves towards the table nestled far in the back.

The books I swear I'd placed back in their homes on the back shelf sit prettily on the table, ready for me to delve back in. Except the one sitting right on top.

'The Deathly Shadows.'

That one is new.

I take the empty seat and pull the book towards me, flipping through the pages.

Chapter Nine: Shadow Killing.

A clatter of noise has my head whipping up, scanning the shelves for any movement but nothing stands out.

I rest my hands on the table, leaning forward.

"I know you're there, Killian."

He doesn't pop out and I narrow my eyes around the library, trying to find him within the shadows.


The noise appears again. The chair breath me groans against the ground as I stand up, fingers pushing into the table from the pressure.

Stepping away from the table, I round it and walk towards the aisles, slipping closer towards where the noise originated.

The sound of shoes against carpet slips into my ears and I swing my head towards the far side of the library, feeling someone's - somethings attention on me.

I step closer, feeling my creature climb its way from deep within my core, peaking out through my eyes.

My shadows beg to slip from my fingertips and find the intruder but I hold them back, squeezing my fist yet it does nothing, my shadows slipping through the seam of my fist and sneaking over the ground, snaking their way towards the darkness ahead of me.

I feel every bump and ridge of the carpet, every piece of dust left behind, feel the memories of the library reach out the hand my shadows hold out.

One step forward and I'm closer to the source, eyes sweeping the darkness. Fire soaks my insides, climbing its way up my throat. My heart pounds steadily in my chest, the action feeling more like a drum than a heartbeat but it's jot from fear. Excitement is like ecstasy on my tongue, the air sweet with the taste.

The library doors opens and I swing towards it, ready to attack but Killian stand there, crowding the open doorway. The darkness disappears in an instant.

"Killian." I breathe out, "what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you." He says. I turn fully towards him, walking closer but as I get closer I notice that his eyes aren't on me, instead they are focused behind me. I turn to look that way but all I see is the same darkness from before. "What's wrong?"

"Thought I heard something." I shake my head.

"C'mon." Killian voice pulls my attention back to him, "you need to get some rest." He stalks closer and wraps an arm around my elbow, steering me away yet he focuses behind me every few seconds.

A scoffing noise erupts and I swing my head back, narrowing my eyes yet the library is empty. My eyes move to the table I occupied only minutes ago and widen.

The book is gone. I jump from the pile I'd left unopened to the one I'd been reading and find it missing, the space it occupied hauntingly empty.

"Let's go."

I don't have the time to speak before Killian's leading me out of the library like hells beasts are at our heels.

His arm moves around my shoulder, pulling me into his body as he leads the both of us towards the door.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now