04 | Promises, Promises

419 27 3

My eyes skim over the words, absorbing the information as much as I can as I take notes with one hand and pick up the sandwich with the other.

School is exhausting and I'd only been here less than a day. How anyone did years of this was beyond me.

But still, if I wanted to find out the truth, then I had to keep my scholarship and to do that I had to study, and succeed.

I quickly jot down another note before shutting the book and pulling my full attention to the sandwich, my stomach grumbling. My body hungry, almost ravenous.

Yet all I can do is feed it what the cafeteria delivers.

One thing about being a scholarship student at a pretty prestigious academy like this?

Free food.

I take a bite of the ham, salami and turkey sandwich, flavours bursting along my tongue from the mayo and Dijon mustard.

I let my eyes roam the cafeteria, slipping past students and teachers alike with a calculative eye, picking apart the wolves from the sheep. It was an easy enough thing to accomplish, especially in my last line of work.

Which is why it's easy to notice the gazes that dart to me, looking at me as if I don't belong.

They'd be right.

I hadn't seen Killian and Malac since our run in this morning, Kade was a no show as well. None of them were in my classes which was a relief. What was concerning though was that none of them mentioned the bike, not even Malac - the person I'd borrowed it from.

It had my hair standing on end, waiting for the hammer to drop.

The sooner I separate myself from those three, the better.

I didn't need to get caught up in whatever Candace was hinting at, even if she'll never tell me outright what those three are doing that's so dangerous.

Footsteps sound to my right and I lift my head, regarding the girl that stands in front of me. She's in a few of my classes and had talked to me in every single one.

She was nice, if not persistent. Kat was her name.

I raise a brow at her and she fiddle with her fingers, looking over her shoulder slightly before back at me.

"Do you know where you're sitting?"

I look down at the seat I occupy, then to the entrance that is in my clear line of site, and the exit to the courtyard to my side.

The perfect vantage point if you need to leave quickly.

I blink back at her, "a seat?"

"Not just any seat." She sits down. I say that but really she hovers over the seat, no quite settling in. "The Lord's sit here, this is their table."

"The Lord's?"

She nods, "You don't want to get on the bad side of them." She glances around and stops on the figure of a girl walking up to us, her choppy brown hair falling just past her jawline.

Kat huffs and stands up to meet the girl. Standing side by side, one the epitome of golden and the other her dark counterpart.

"What are you doing?" The girl says, looking at me briefly and dismissing me.

"I'm warning Noah that she doesn't want to sit here, not with-"

The girl cuts her off, "if she wants to sit here, let her, she can deal with the repercussions." She takes Kat by the hand, their fingers intertwining and leads her away.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now