12 | The Lords

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Condensation drips onto the bar table as I slide the glass over to the patron.

He hardly bothers to glance at me as he hands over his card, eyes riveted on the fight ring.

I don't blame him, the two in the fight ring are a force to be reckoned with.

Killian drops with a practiced move, the sweat dripping down his back so similar to the condensation dripping down the glasses.

I blink, glancing away from him and swipe the card, forcing myself to focus on work.

Candace slips past me, her eyes watching me like a hawk.

I ignore it, used to her eyes on me.

It doesn't bother me.

The crowd roars and my head snaps up, watching as Kade slips into Killian's blind side, delivering a harsh one, two punch to Killian's side.

Shadows seem to dance at his fingertips, punching into Killian's body but when I blink they're gone.

Killian delivers a harsh glare towards Kade, spitting something lowly but Kade only grins back.

Killian falls back, hands twisting around the rope before he bounces back, spitting something at Kade with a taunting grin.

Kade's lips pull back with his own smirk, saying something back that's buried beneath the roar of the crowd.

Killian laughs, the sound seeming to reach my ears, and send a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

I focus back on another customer, delivering a gin and tonic to the woman before taking the cash, rinse and repeat.

I try hard to keep my eyes and mind on the job but every few seconds I hear the pound of fist on flesh and look up, catching a glimpse of naked chest, sweaty foreheads and bloody fists.

"Keep your eyes on the task." Candace says from the corner of her mouth. I lift my head to look at her, raising a brow. She only rolls her eyes, "if you want to keep your fighting a secret then you need to stay away from them."

The glass in my hand almost slips from my fingers in shock and I slowly place it on the counter, turning to look at Candace fully.

"I'm not stupid." She says, not even bothering to look at me. "So don't even try to deny it, I knew it was you as soon as you walked through those door, black hair and mask or not, you still carry yourself the same."

"And how is that?" I say, blindly pouring a drink. "How I carry myself I mean?"

"Like someone put the world on your shoulders and not in your hands." She doesn't say anything else, whipping the rag over her shoulder and moving down the line, further from me.

I slip the money from the patron and start on the next drink, letting Candace words mull over in my mind.

The buzz of conversation grows almost deafening, the crowd relishing in the fight between Kade and Killian, the rhythmic thud of impact echoing around the air.

The shadows whisper to me but I ignore them, shaking their claws from my thoughts.

Killian unleashes a flurry of punches, his movements fluid and calculated, while Kade counters with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging and weaving with effortless grace. The intensity of their exchange is electrifying, drawing cheers and gasps from the onlookers.

For a second it seems Killian is in two places at once, crowding Kade back with a vengeance but then he's winning, only Kade against Killian.

Must have been a trick of the light.

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