11 | Sweet Nothings

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I step into the classroom, not stopping even when I feel a few of the students eyes settle on me.

Manoeuvring between the tables and chairs, I slip into one further back, and against the window, placing my chin in my hand.

Malac isn't here. He wasn't in my last class either, probably taken the day off.

The teacher enters, books almost tumbling from her hand before she address the class.

"Today we'll be watching a film for world history, jot down notes as you will need this information for an assignment. If I see any phone out you will be given a lunchtime detention."

She turns then, fiddling with something on her desk before a protection screen starts sliding down over the whiteboard.

The classroom door opens and everyone heads whips to it, the teacher narrows her eyes. "Mr. Wyatt. That's a detention for tardiness."

The boy quickly finds a seat and turn to the front, ignoring the eyes from the teacher as he mumbles his acknowledgment.

She dims the lights and presses a button before the window shades start sliding down.

Glancing out the window, I watch as the sunny morning slowly disappears behind the boring grey blinds.

The film starts, almost deafening in the silent room before the door open once more and there he is.

Malac stalks in and shuts the door behind him. The teacher pauses the film.

"Malachi Cadmus."

"Janette." He grins, dipping his chin at her and she waves him off.

"Take your seat."

He swaggers through the class, his eyes on me with a devious glint in them before he takes the seat beside me.

The seat beside me was always empty these days. The kids in the school too scared to be kicked out of it so they never sat in it.

And if they did, well then they dealt with Malacs attitude.

Sometimes it was entertaining. Most time it was annoying.

The reach behind the film again, the noise level somewhat quieter.

Malac leans towards me from the side and ignore him, trying to- and failing to focus on the screen.


I blink, turning my head slightly but still keeping my eyes on the screen and the teacher who looks over the students with a keen eye.


I roll my eyes, cupping my hand further around my chin to hide the smile threatening to twist my lips.

His chuckle reaches me anyway and I know my actions are in vain.

A faint scraping noise echoes along the floor and I twist my gaze to Malachi, narrowing my eyes.

He looks ahead, hands folded lazily over his chest, attention absolutely riveted on the film.

I blow out a silent breath and look back to the front of my class.

The noise erupts again and I whip my head to Malac, finding him a whole lot closer and a whole lot more amused.

He raises a brow at me, daring me to say something.

Rolling my eyes at him, I turn back, focusing on the film.

Seconds later I feel Malachi's breath whisper against the shell of my ear, his words overtly amused as he whispers lowly. "You look so sexy when you ignore me, babygirl."

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now