27 | Eyes On Me

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I'm sandwiched between the two of them, Killian hands running through the wet strands of my hair, my conditioner slathering his palms. I slowly let the shadows seep from my hair like it's a temporary dye, diluting in the water and down the drain.

Malachi runs his hands over my back, slipping lower every few seconds like the tease he is before he places them respectfully on my hips.

He doesn't move them, letting the heat of his palms singe into my skin like a brand, tattooing his touch onto me with invisible ink.

Killian's hand wraps around my hair, twisting the strands between his fingers and he pulls, drawing my eyes back to his.

"Eyes on me." Killian says roughly and Malachi chuckles.

I breathe out slowly. "Have you ever-" I pause, biting my tongue.

Killian raises a curious brow but it's Malachi that speaks. "Have we ever?"

Closing my eyes, I drag my attention to my feet, feeling self conscious between the both of them.  It's obvious they've done this before, probably many times and here I am, almost eighteen and they were my first kiss.

My first proper kiss.

"Noah?" Killian prompts, thumb coming to rest on my chin and drag my eyes up to meet his. "Spit it out."

I narrow my eyes at the command in his voice and force myself to say the words and feel confident while saying them.

"Have you ever done this before?"

Part of me dreads the answer, but the other, larger part wants to know their every dirty secret, even if I'm not the girl between them while they tell me.

Sucker for punishment I guess.

I glance up at their silence, eyes connecting with Killian's before I turn my head to look back at Malachi.

His eyes are shadowed, face dipping closer to mine.

"Listen to me because I'm only going to say this once, Noah."

I raise a brow at the command and the way my body instantly tenses, as if waiting for his next words like I need them to breathe.

"You are the only girl we will ever do this with. Do you hear me?"

I nod but that's not good enough for Malachi.

"I need to hear you say the words, baby girl."

"I'm the only girl."

He grins, the sight sending tingles down my spine.

"Yes. You. Are." He finalises his words with a lingering kiss on my forehead. "Don't forget it."

I look back towards Killian, seeing the same conviction mirrored in his eyes.

"Now," Malachi seems to growl. "I want to hear you scream so loud that Kade hears you."

The words have my back snapping up straight. "What-"

I don't get to finish the sentence, Killian's fingers slipping into me as if commanded by Malachis words.

Malac chuckles and starts rubbing my sides, soft soothing strokes that do nothing to take my attention away from the fact that I have Killian's fingers in me right now.

Malachi grunts something unintelligible, his lips moving to seal to my neck, sucking, biting and huffing a laugh against my skin. "You taste like ecstasy, baby girl."

I can't form words, my mind on one singular thing right now and it's not family friendly.

"What do you say, baby girl, do you wanna scream for us?"

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now