29 | Kade's Stupidity

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I stare at the door once Noah leaves before turning to the two guys behind me, spitting a ball of fire at them.

"Fuck." Malachi hisses, swiping frantically at where the fire ball had singed his pants.

"What the hell was that for?" He narrows his eyes at me but I ignore it, flashing mine between Malachi and his brother.

"When the hell were you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Malachi says but Killian stays silent so I tilt my head at him, seeing the barely hidden guilt in his blue eyes.

"I wasn't." He replies, which only makes me angry.

"You weren't?"

"Is this about Rosie?" Malachi asks and Mullins nods his head, which makes Malachi laugh. "Bout fucking time you figured it out."

I flash a glare his way but he waves me off, "What's the issue, you upset to find out your precious Red is Noah?"

"What do you want from us, Kade?" Killian says smoothly. "You chose to hate Noah as soon as you saw her but somehow Red was different. They're both human, what was the difference?" He steps forward like he's going to demand the answer from me which has me raising my brows, the act very different from the ever noble Killian.

I don't reply, not really having an answer but he's not waiting for one, telling me what he thinks anyway.

"It's because Red can fight isn't it? You thought she could look after herself better than a scholarship student like Noah could?"

His lips quirk at the side. "For someone who's gotten so far in life, you're a fucking idiot."

He stalks past me, Malachi following behind with an amused brow quirked at me.

The worst part about this whole thing is how my dragon huffs a laugh.

The door shuts behind the both of them, and I snap out of my stance. Flicking a gaze towards the dead body I release a frustrated sigh and walk closer, crossing down to stare at the body and the tell tale grotesque grin stretched across their face.

With a sigh, I reach for my phone to call Enzo to dispose of the body, cursing whoever is killing for making my life just the bit harder.

I click on Enzo's number but stop, eyes flashing to the body as it twitches, hand curling into a fist.

I watch transfixed as the warlock comes back to life, sucking in a hissed lungful of air before turning those heady eyes onto me and grinning manically.

"Found her." Their eyes white out, speaking to their coven.

"Fucking hell." I hiss, hand shoving out to clutch the warlocks neck, my shadows seeping from my skin and sinking into theirs, incinerating the witch from the inside out.

A pain filled screech exits the lips, almost as painful as a banshees scream and I cringe away from them, their squirming body turning to ash in seconds.

I straighten and glare down at the pile of dust. Cursing viciously under my breath before leaving the bathroom, sinking into my creature with every forward step as I track Noah's scent.

My brows furrow, hands fisting at my side when I realise I'm walking towards the exit and not towards classes like where Noah should be.

Pushing out of the doors, I scan the trees, finding the back of the girl who frustrates the fuck out of me slipping into the dense family of trees.

I debate for a moment if I should call the twins and have them deal with their stray but the curiosity is too strong.

The door shuts behind me with a resounding bang and then I'm following Noah, my steps silent and swift along the grass until I reach the forest and my eyes zero in on her back.

What the hell are you up to now, my little mate.

She's silent as she moves between the trees, her fists clenched at her sides as if in inner turmoil.

The dragon beneath my skin huffs in frustration, sensing something I don't. I scan the surrounding trees, searching for whatever has piqued his interest and that's when I see her.

The witch. The second of the day.

I grit my teeth and stare at Noah's back. Why do you have a coven following you?

She closes in on Noah like a predator, steps silent as she weaves between the trees, running her hands over the bark, leaving her scent.

It's a calling card, for when her coven comes looking, to know where to go, where she went.

Too ad for her, one of them is already dead at my hands.

I curse viscously under my breath, reaching into my pocket for my phone to text the twins.

Clearing. Red. NOW.

I stuff the phone back into my pocket and grind my teeth, letting my shadows slip from the tips of my fingers as I stalk behind the witch who is stalking my mate.

The dragon wants to eviscerate the bitch, yet the more human part of me wants to know why she's gone after Noah, since I was a bit too hasty in killing her male counterpart.

My eyes snap to the car Noah stops at, ducking inside to check something before climbing into the front seat and starting the engine.

The witch stops, a cackle coming from her mouth, the sound like nails on a chalkboard and Noah's head snaps out the window, scanning the trees for the location of the witch.

I grind my teeth and slip forward, close and closer to the witch while she's distracted, and then I wrap my hands around her neck and twist, the crack of her bones echoing through the trees like a whip.

Her cackle cuts off. Noahs head spins to me, eyes wide.

Two bodies sidle up behind me, Killian looking down at the body with a critical eye.

"Well, fuck." Malac mutters, "can't a day go by without shit hitting the fan?"

He moves forward, reaching the car and frozen Noah, opening the door to try and coax her out.

"C'cmon, baby girl."

"Who the hell was that?"

Malac shakes his head, "some bitch."

Her eyes flash up to his and she shakes her head, hand landing on the door to close it once more. "I've gotta go do something."

"Like what?" I say, tilting my head back at her, "leave?" I'm careful with the words I choose to say.

If my dragon here's the word "run", who's to say if I'll be able to keep him in check enough before he bursts out and captures his mate.

Her eyes glare at me with contempt but Killian steps forward until he's opening the passenger seat and sliding in. "Don't mind company?"

Malachi chuckles and slips into the back seat and I sigh with resignation before opening the other side and getting in.

"Drive, I'll give you directions." I sigh.

"You don't even know where I'm going." Noah mutters but she doesn't sound convincing.

"I have to get something from my house."

I supply.

She looks over her shoulder towards the dorms and I shake my head, "not that house. Just drive."

"What about the body?"

I shrug, "I'm sure somebody will deal with it."

I direct her out of the forest and towards town.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now