13 | The Past Always Comes Back

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His fingers tighten on my chin, pulling me forward as we stand over Ethan's dying body, his wet gurgles the only noise I can hear beside the beat of my own pounding heart.

"Let's make this perfectly clear, Natalia." Charles whispers harshly. "You are mine. You have always been mine." Nails bite into my cheeks, leaving crescent shaped marks on the flesh, a sting emanating from the wound. "And I don't share."

I snap up in bed, heart pounding and search the room quickly; every shadow and corner getting an extra glance before I shove the covers off and reach for the tights and top at the base of the bed.

This is the fifth day in a row I'd waken from the memories, the fifth morning in a row that I'd run before the sun had ever peaked over the mountainsides.

Slipping the shirt over my bed, I pull it over my abdomen as I walk for the exit, running down the stairs and out the door, skipping my usual morning stretches and making straight for the tree-line and the trail hidden inside.

I hadn't seen Kade on this trail since that very first morning, yet as I run further down the twisting dirt path, there he is, arms crossed and eyes on me, waiting.

I slow to a jog, but don't say anything, watching him closely as he lets his eyes slip over me and then he flicks his chin to the side, turns and starts running.

He says nothing, the only noises the sound of our feet pounding against the dirt in sync.

We run like that side by side, not saying anything.

He doesn't demand answers of why I run every morning, and I don't ask why he chooses to run beside me in silence and then treat me like trash when we're surrounded by people.

And then when we finish our run, he looks at me once more, up and down like he's looking for a change and then nods, and takes his leave.

I haven't told Malachi about the runs and he hasn't asked so that leads me to believe that Kade hasn't said anything, meaning there's a good chance Killian doesn't know about it either.

I watch Kade stalk away until he disappears and then I follow behind, slowly breathing in and out until I reach my dorm, practically stumbling through the door and into the shower.

Closing my eyes against the onslaught of water, I let it wash over me, soothing tired and achy muscles.

Pushing out, I dry and get ready, slipping on my clothes for the day before finding myself walking across the lush courtyard.

The cafeteria is near full when I reach it, everyone having already been here for a while it seems. I guess I was in that shower for a bit longer than I thought.

I slip to the back of the line, noticing the dwindling food and take the scraps I can before they close the line. Hugging the tray close to me, I walk for that table in the middle of the room, taking my usual seat even though I'm alone, none of the boys making an appearance.

I haven't even taken my first bite before somebody decides to ruin it.

The telltale click of heels against linoleum quiet the rest of the cafeteria, everyone seeming to wait with bated breath as Sienna stop at my table.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now