19 | Kissed, As If Thats All It Was.

390 19 3

Killian doesn't follow me back into the dorm, instead muttering that he has to get something and then disappearing to wherever he needs to go.

I blow out a shaky breath and walk back up the stairs, taking them two at a time and then shutting and locking the door behind me.

My lips tingle, my limbs feeling heavier.

I ignore it and rush for my bathroom, slipping into the shower quickly to wash the dried blood from my body and lingering touch from my lips.

The shower is quick, my hands deftly scrubbing the shampoo into my scalp - twice followed by the conditioner until the strands are clean of any remnant of the fabric but.

I get out after using the soap, being careful to avoid the stab area and wrap a towel around me.

Just as I step out, I hear the knock on the door.

Clutching the towel around me tighter, I slowly make my way over.

"Noah?" Killian's voice penetrates through the heavy wood and I swing the door open, for a moment forgetting I'm only in a towel until Killian's eyes drop down my body.

I hold it tighter.

He lifts his hands, hammer and small tarp folded in his hand, duct tape and nails in the other.

"To ward off the chill and give you some semblance of privacy."

I open the door wider, letting him in.

He slips past, stalking straight for my room and the smashed window beyond.

I slip into the closet as he does what he wants, changing quickly before stepping out finding the tarp covering the open window, the duct tape sealing it around the edges so wind doesn't get through.

I blink, feeling warmth in my chest that I promptly squash but still, looking at the flimsy tarp, unease settles in me.

Killian turns to me, eyes jumping over my face and he must read something in my expression because he walks out.

I follow silently, balking when I see him rip one of the kitchen cabinet doors off its hinge.

"And for a bit more security." He mutters, taking the piece of panel to the window. "Can you hold it for me?" He asks, head turned over his shoulder to stare at me.

I blink with a start and walk over, clearing my throat. "You don't have to do all this."

He only grunts and I huff a breath before placing my hands on the corners of the panel for him.

He steps in behind me, his breath tingling along yhthe back of my head, racing down my neck and spine before a shiver wants to take over me.

I hold it back, still feeling the ghost of his lips on mine. Even if i had had a shower and it had been over half an hour since we'd kissed.

Kissed. As if that's all it was.

I shake off the thought and focus as Killian hammers in the nails, making sure the panel is secure.

His chest brushes my back one lingering moment before he steps back and clears his throat. "It should work for now but we can get it fixed soon."

I nod absently, my mind to preoccupied with thoughts of his eyes, his lips on mine.

I shake my head and clear my throat.

Killian moves around me, I follow with my eyes and then my body as he disperses out of my bedroom door and find him sitting on the lounge, arms thrown over the back and head turned over his shoulder, eyes on me.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now