31 | Overgrown Lizard

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I stare up at the gate that surrounds the massive property, trying to find a way around it but the only way is over.

Fuck, I wish I could fly.

Flicking my gaze back over my shoulder, I stare at the house - sorry mansion and scowl.

Of course the arrogant prick has money too.

Muttering swear words under my breath, I begin climbing, for once thanking Charles for being so tight with my training.

It takes minutes for me to scape the gate and drop to the other side, landing in a crouch before straitening and staring at the forest that boxes the mansion.

I don't look back as I begin running, having no idea where I'm going but hoping eventually I'll find somewhere that points me towards town. Or anything.

Sticks break under my foot falls, the leaves rustling with the trees secrets, wind whispering in camaraderie with the rest of Mother Nature.

I ignore it all, my focus intent in front of me, placing one foot inforky of the other and not thinking about the three guys I left back at the house.

Not thinking about what me leaving will do to them.

And definitely not thinking about what it will do to me.

My heart pound in my chest, but it's more then just from them run, it's like it's wants to claw its way out of the cage I've shoved it into and crawl back to the boys.

I grit my teeth and move faster. Blanking my mind of all thoughts of them.

This is for the best.

A pounding follows my footfalls, beating in time with each thump of my heart. The sound grows louder, insistent, the wind humming along with the noise.

I risk a glance behind me but there's nobody there, my eyes tracing the gaps in the trees before I glance up, seeing sunshine for just a moment before in peace the gap in the leaves behind.

The sound doesn't dull, if anything it grows louder, like hoof beats. Like someone is following me.

Please tell me the rich fuck does not have horses. It'd be just my luck to be caught by a man on horse back, like some type of damsel.

The creature in my chest crawls from whatever darkness she came from and makes herself known, shadows beginning to dance around my fingertip's like wisps.

I glance up again, my eyes drawn to the sky when darkness descends.

The sunshine is blotted out and I stall to a stop, narrowing my eyes at the creature that blocks the sun. From myths and legends and books I hardly got to read is a creature straight from a nightmore.


Or wyvern.

Whatever the fuck it is, I'm not staying around to find out what it wants.

Now the tell tale sound of its wings hits my conscience, the noise that had been pounding in time with my heart.

I scan the tress for another escape, choosing one at random and running.

• • •

The dragon has been following my every move, banking right when I make a turn, its head twisting to flare at me through the gnarled branches.

I kind of want to throw a shadow at it and see what happens but I don't even know if my aim will be true, I don't even know what I can do.

I glance up again, tracking the skies for the dark scaled creature, not watching where I'm going and then there it is, right there above me, its keen eyes narrowed on me.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now