20 | Staking A Claim

354 18 10

Killian slips up beside me at my locker.

His eyes move up and down, lingering on the spot that I'd been stabbed last night before he nods his acknowledgment.

"How you feeling?" He asks just as the warning bell for class ricochets through the hall.

"Good." I shut my locker, and turn down the hall, beginning to walk to my class. "Can hardly feel it now, only when I move too much."

Killian is a silent strong shadow at my side as we walk down the hall, weaving between rushing students and I turn my gaze to him. "Haven't you got class?"

"Yep." He continues walking the wrong way to his class.

"Isn't it on the other side of the building."

"It was." He replies before coking to a stop at a classroom door, my classroom door.

"You're not in this class." I stare, crossing my arms tightly over my chest and narrowing my eyes at him.

"I am now." He takes my elbow and guides me in, stopping in front of Malachi who eyes us wearily.

"I saved you a seat, baby girl."

Killian takes said seat and Malachi scowls before turning to the kid at his other side and barking at him to move.

He does, and Malachi slides in to take his place.

He pats the seat he just occupied and I slide into it, sandwiched between the twins.

Feeling eyes on me, I look up, gaze connecting to Sienna's.

She looks between me and Killian with shrewd eyes and anger rocks through me, remembering her role in last nights incident.

"Hi Killian." She waves and begins walking over, the heels she wears snapping against the ground. Placing two hands on the table infringed of him, she leans down, smiling at him.

The feeling that always seems to encampsss the room when Sienna is in it slips over me, like a blanket. My eyes are drawn to her, enraptured and I shake my head, pulling myself out of it.

"There's an assignment coming up. You can be my partner." She says the words like it's a blessing to partner with her and Malachi chuckles beside me.

Neither one of them seems to be affected by the feeling and for a second I wander if I'm crazy.

She doesn't look to him, though I've noticed she never does. Avoiding Malachi at all costs.

"No, thank you." Killian's says, look straight ahead and past her.

"What?" She breathes out, "you need a partner."

"I have one." He mutters and then next thing I know there's a hand placed on my thigh possessively. I look down, dumbstruck at the large hand splayed on my leg, thumb dimpling the flesh of my inner thigh as he squeezes.

When I look back up, Siennas hard gaze is on me.

She huffs and walks away, heels clacking the whole way back to her seat at the front of the class just as the teacher walks in, instantly surrounded by her posse plus a few more.

Every day she seems to add another body to her growing harem.

Killian doesn't move his hand, his hard gaze watching her closely, jaw ticking and I realise he knows she had something to do with yesterday too, that his anger isn't out of nowhere.

Another hand rests on my thigh and I look to my other side, finish Malachi gaze on me, then flicking to his brother before settling on my again.

He squeezes my thigh and my stomach swoops, gaze dropping to see the both of their hands on my thighs.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now