15 | God Fucking Forbid

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Over the weekend, I dream of empires I'd rather burn to the ground, start my run and find Kade always there waiting. Silent, watching. But always there.

He doesn't say a word to me, ever. Just brooding by my side as we run.

The first few days he was a little more hostile but when I continued to show up he dropped the dramatics and now he just ignores me. Though I feel his eyes on me every now and then, searching.

For what? I'm not sure but my body sings everytime he looks my way, somehow finding myself running closer and closer by his side like a string is tied between us and slowly being shortened.

Kade finds my eyes on him now and he slows to a jog, then stops altogether before turning to me.

Sweet gleams off his exposed skin, dripping down his neck and contouring further down his chest and then lower.

"Find what you're looking for?" His voice is harsh, demanding my eyes back up to meet his.

My eyes swing back to his and I narrow mine, but purse my lips before I let my smile widen when I find him analysing me.


His brows rise, confusion rocking through him before they narrow in irritation. "What?"

Lifting a hand, I twirl my finger. "Spin."

He tenses, eyes shadowed on mine before he steps forward, closer to me. The smell of his cologne wafting towards me, and sornthing else that is entirely male and him. Earthy and Smokey.

My heart stills and skips a beat all at once, the breath in my lungs leaving me swiftly.

He keeps his eyes on me before he begins to move, turning in a slow circle.

He spins for me, and I let my eyes linger over the hard planes of his back, dropping lower before he's facing me again and my eyes meet his once more.

"Satisfied?" His voice is like a dark cloud, leaving his lips and wrapping around my neck yet no shadows appear.

I laugh, stepping past him to begin my run and say over my shoulder, feeling his gaze on the back of my neck like a physical touch. "Not nearly enough."

My feet pound the dirt beneath me as I run the trail, Kade's echoing behind me.

I take a turn, forcing my mind to only focus on what is in front of me and not on the man behind me, as I feel the strength of his gaze like a physical entity on my spine, practically tracing his way lower, lower, lower-

My feet slip beneath me, the dirt - now mud, too slippery for me to stabilise myself and then I'm falling.

"Shit." Kades swear is rough and quick. My thoughts echo the sentiment before I feel the mud coat my hands.

Before I hit the ground fully, a hand swoops around my waist, spinning me and cushioning my fall and then Kade is on top of me, his forehead smashing into mine.

"Fuck." I hiss, an ache pulsing from my face.

"Do you know how to fucking walk?"

"Do you know how to fucking talk like a normal human being?"

He barks a laugh, pushing himself off of me. "You're a walking disaster."

"You really know how to flatter a girl."

He rolls his eyes skyward, as if praying to whatever creature lives up there for patience before dropping his head to stare back at me. "Learn to run with your legs before running your mouth, it could get a girl like you killed very easily in this town, Noah."

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now