24 | Little Red

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My legs ache, from both the viscous run Kade forced me on at an ungodly hour and the fight from days ago, my muscles finally showing their exertion from the movement.

I stand at my lo cker, the books in my hands almost falling out of them before a body sidles up beside me and takes half the load.

I side eye Malachi, giving him a small smile in gratitude followed by a murmured, "thanks."

He nods, his dark eyes twinkling under the fluorescent lights of the school hallway.

I turn, using my shoulder to shut the locker door and begin the short trek to the classroom, Malac following like the loyal puppy he is.

"Hold up, Red, I'm only one man."

I roll my eyes at his whining, flicking my head over my shoulder and giving him a deadpan look as the bell rings for first period, "Hurry up, we're going to be late-" I stop in the middle of the hallway, heart pounding in my chest as I blink back at Malachi who gives me a slow grin in response, raising a brow.

"Something the matter, Red?" His eyes twinkle, looking at me like he had all the cards in his pocket and I have nothing.

"Red?" The name comes out lowly, and I quickly smooth out my features, "That's a new nickname, you've never called me that before."

I hope he can't hear the hitch in my voice as the lie spills from my lips.

Malac chuckles, "On the contrary, I've called you Red multiple times, I just never knew it was you behind the mask." He tilts his head, looking at me curiously, gazing down my body like he's seeing me in a new light. I swallow.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

He shakes his head, "Cmon, baby girl, don't lie to me now."

My shoulder drop and I narrow my eyes at him, "How'd you figure it out?"

He grins, slow and wide. "I didn't, I was just testing the waters. You spilt your own secret." He steps forward, bending low until his lips are almost skimming mine, only a hairbreadth between them.

"Don't tell Kade."

He's silent for a moment, so silent that for a second I think he's going to tell me no.

"You're asking me to keep a secret from my cousin?"

"Yes." I whisper, my lips just barely skimming his.

He hums and the vibration of it echoes through my lips, sinking all the way to my toes. "You're lucky I like you, baby girl."

I pull back from him, shaking my head ever so slightly to clear it and reach to take my books from his hands. He pulls them back, not letting me take them.

Footsteps make their way closer to us and I peek over Malacs shoulder to see Killian, his eyes roving over both of us with a questioning glance.

Malac turns, giving his brother a roguish wink. "Hey, Killian, you know little Noah here is red?"

I shove my elbow into his side, glaring at him but he only grunts, still keeping that roguish look on his face.

"I said I wouldn't tell Kade, no promises on my brother, Rosie."

I roll my eyes and look to Killian, the both of us seeming to understand each other.

Killian doesn't react, just reaches forward to take the rest of my books and tuck them under his arm.

It takes moments for Malac to realise that his brother hasn't reacted before he's slamming a fist into Killian stomach.

"You dirty dog, you knew."

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now