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After spending three hours on Web MD, researching the signs and symptoms of a broken arm, I was still convinced it was broken. If it weren't for the bruising on her skin, I would have assumed it was just hurting her. Maybe it'd help if she'd told me how it happened.

She locked herself in my room last night. I knocked a few times, asked her nicely if she could come out so I could look at it, but she ignored me.

In the morning I woke up at six. The sun greeted me through the sliver left between the curtains and reminded me we were in the dead of summer.

Ari's shoes were still by the back door, so I knew she hadn't left. Not that she has anywhere to go—besides to a hospital.

I should have made her go last night, but instead I've done what I do best: wait way too long to take action.

I pace the kitchen with a cup of coffee until I finally break and pull out my phone. I have reason this time. A good reason.

Listening to those three trills in my ear had to be the most nerve wracking feeling, until they stopped and she answered.

"Hello?" Her tone harboring more confusion than pleasure over me calling.


"Abel," she says impatiently. I'm surprised she answered me at all. After the two times I'd drunk dialed her, I'm actually glad this time she picked up.

"Listen, I wouldn't be calling if it weren't important."

She's silent and I can already tell what she's thinking. But this time I mean it. This time it's for Ari.

"I have this...friend who, hurt her wrist and she doesn't have health insurance, so she can't go to the doctor about it."

"Are you asking for medical advice over the phone?"

"Yes, can you just help me get an idea if it's broken or not?"

"Well, what's her pain level like? Is she in extreme pain, or is it just sensitive?"

"Doesn't seem extreme, but definitely more than just sensitive."

"What does it look like? I mean, I'd have to look at it to know for sure."

"Well, that's not an option."

She scoffs. "Why not? You worried about me being around your new girlfriend or something?"

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"Fine, fuck buddy. Whatever."

"She's what I just said she was, Shy," I say, sternly although I'm sure she can hear the trace of the lie in my voice.

"Whatever, Abel. Fine, send me a picture. I'll check it out and text you what you can do, if not she might just have to deal with a bill from the ER."


"Sure," she says dryly, not even taking a beat before hanging up.

Hearing her voice again doesn't affect me the way it used to. I still get nervous when it comes to talking to her, but as far as the underlying desire that went along with speaking to her, that's gone. And I'm still unsettled.

"Ari." I knock lightly on the door. "I need to take a picture of your arm—if you're awake."

The door opens and she stares up at me with her honey colored gaze. Her arm held in her hand. Still swollen, but not nearly as bad as last night.

"I called a friend, she's in medical school. I'm just going to send her a picture and she'll tell me how serious it is. If it's broken Ari, we have no choice. I'll have to take you to emergency."

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now