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I used to think about Ari every day.

All fucking day.

Now I've finally gotten myself to reduce those rampant thoughts to no more than a single fleeting second when I see her in class in the morning. But in that single second thought, it's like a million voices in my head at once, speaking to me. Shouting at me—fucking popping my ear drum—and then I shut them away, just until the next time I see her again.

I'm just glad that week of detention is over. Talk about hell week.

An hour of complete silence while I felt her eyes burning me like a lit match was held to my temple.

And maybe that's what I needed. To sit and think about what I was doing wrong. To sit in a room with her day after day, without kind words or the comfort of my own home surrounding us, it forced me to realize the gravity of the situation. That Ari is just a lost teenage girl, and I suppose that before I met het, I was just a lost adult.

And now? I'm still lost, but less.

I'm just still looking for the rest of me.

"Morning," Principal Morgan mutters with a nod.

I nod back, clearing my throat as I hit the switch that allows piping hot coffee to spill into my mug. "Morning, sir."

I add creamer to the bitter smelling beverage, giving it a stir as Principal Morgan rustles with something in the fridge.

I hardly ever run into him, and its always awkward as hell when I do. And even less do I ever enter the faculty lounge, but coffee is the only thing keeping me going these days.

Great. I loosen my tie and clear my throat as I succumb to realization. Another substance to abuse.

I lift my full cup, the hot aroma wafting toward me like it's teasing me. Like it knows I'm honestly considering dumping it and heading back to my room—but also like we all know I'm definitely not doing that.

"Listen, Abel," his deep tone snaps me out of my thoughts. "Can I have a word with you?"

I nod, following him as he walks out of the faculty lounge.

We breeze by a few groups of onlooking students before any words are said and I use the opportunity to take a scorching sip of coffee, wincing at the sting on the tip of my tongue.

"Good morning principal Morgan," sings a familiar trio.

He gives them a nod with not even a look their way and for a second I envy his cold and callous demeanor. I'm too fucking nice, and look where it got me.

A nervous wreck always looking for a distraction.

"Mr. C," Kaliyah calls in passing, and when I turn her way, still at Morgan's side, she presses her lips to the tips of her fingers with a sly wave, which I match with a stiff hand raise.

Too fucking nice, Abel.

"There's been some chit chat around campus," Morgan finally begins as his arms jut out at the doors to the A building, "rumors that I hope are not true, involving yourself and Mrs. Sinclair." His brow hooks and I let out a breath, scratching the edge of my jaw. "Not that it's against policy to have relations with other members of faculty, it's just really frowned upon by the district...especially when it's the students that are taking notice and running with said rumors. Not very professional on our part. Not a good look for a first year teacher, either."

"Not professional at all, sir." I nod in agreement, my head dropping to my feet.

Yeah she and I were a little sloppy with the whole going out to eat at Ari's job, then all the times she's practically skipping besides me in the halls—

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now