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Ari hasn't been at school since Monday.

The day she came to my door, crying.


She needed me and I provided her with what she needed. A safe place.

But maybe I didn't help her enough, considering the fact that I've marked her absent four days in a row now. At first, I thought maybe she was just showing up to school late—or ditching first period because she wanted to avoid me for some reason—but then I did some digging, I checked her schedule and saw that she has a Ms. Sinclair for history her sixth period.

I felt like an idiot as I walked down the hall of the history building, but my legs were working on their own. I wasn't in control of my body, I haven't been since Ari came into my life and made my hair stand on end in worry.

I knock twice on the door with just my middle knuckle until I hear a woman's voice.

"Come in," she says. Her tone soft, smooth like she could be the school's choir instructor.

I open the door, slowly stepping inside.

I don't see her until the door is behind me and she welcomes me with a sweet smile.

Her hair is almost violet colored, parted on the side and tucked behind one ear. As she turns toward me, my eyes scan her body without me even having any control over the act.

She's stunning. Even in jeans and a t-shirt.

My lips part and every question I had leaves my mind.

"Hi..." she comes toward me and I tuck my fingers in my pants pockets. "Mr. Caswell—the rookie, right?"

"That would be me, yeah." I nod.

"Ah, the infamous Mr. C that every one of my girls are all gaga over. I was wondering when I'd finally meet you." Her hand perks out in between us. "Jordyn Sinclair. Pro."

I take her hand, still finding myself mesmerized as I scramble for words. "Nice to meet you." I inhale a stalling breath, looking around her classroom. She looked to be in the middle of hanging up posters on the far wall, hence the reason I didn't see her when I first walked in. Not to mention the tape stuck to her arm.

"How long have you worked here at Carlson?"

"Mmm, something like five years." She shrugs. "I guess I'm not that much of a pro compared to the guys who've put in twenty years, but I feel like one."

I chuckle, glancing down at our feet. She's tapping the tip of her shoe on the floor like it's an impulsive thing.

"No I'm sure you are. Surviving even one year here has to be some type of accomplishment."

She twists her face at me like she's concerned. "Oh definitely, it's not an easy job."

I nod, snapping my fingers as I recall what I'd come in here for. "So, I actually came here to ask you a question."

"Oh sure." She backs against a desk and crosses her arms.

"I've seen that you have a student of mine, Ari Reid, in your sixth period class."

She nods. "I mean, I probably do. I haven't learned everyone's names quite yet."

"Well, I've noticed she hasn't been in my class for the majority of the week. I was wondering if she's been coming to your class at all."

She pushes up from the desk and jogs to her laptop, bending at the waist as she types on the keyboard. "Let me check my attendance..." she mutters. "You said Ari Reid, right?"

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now