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Jordyn grabs my hand when we're out of the car and pulls me to her door, giggling up until she brings her keys out and unlocks the door.

With her back to me, I study the outline of her body. The dress hugging her curves so perfectly it brings an ache to my groin. I can't wait to yank that dress down and finally see those perky tits she hides under all those school spirit tee shirts.

As soon as the door is open she pins me to the wall, her hands on my chest as our lips finally touch. My hands slide down the arch of her back and as I grab a firm hold of her ass, she giggles into my mouth, bringing me closer as our tongues swirl together to the sounds of her small moans.

She pulls back and I'm confused until she shrinks down onto her knees and goes for my belt.

This woman is something else.

She yanks my pants down to my mid thighs and when she sees my dick for the first time she bites her lip before taking it in her hand. "You're definitely worth the hype, Mr. C."

I chuckle, but my mind immediately goes to Ari. "Call me Abel, please."

She rolls her eyes but her smile stays until she sucks the tip of me into her mouth. Her tongue twirls around my head and I sigh, my hand combing through her violet hair and resting just behind her ear.

She lets out a moan as she slowly slides down my shaft, not stopping until her lips are wrapped around the base.

"Fuck, Jordyn..."

She continues, sliding me and out of her mouth, controlling the pace even though I'm so desperate to slam her face onto my cock at the speed I need.

I close my eyes as my fingers drift down her chin and trace her bottom lip with my thumb.

My mind reaches back to Monday night, there in my record room.

Ari's soft as silk lips on mine, her mouth like velvet as she let me explore the forbidden territory. The place I vowed I'd never be, but she wanted me there. She loved my hands on her, she loved my fingers dragging up her ribs, my hand in her hair. My dick pressed to her stomach, showing her I wanted it just as much as she did. She initiated it all. Every flirty conversation, all of her bedroom eyed stares.

She wanted me to know it from the very start.

"Shit, don't stop," I breathe out my words and drop my head back against the wall.

I can still taste her as I lick my lips. Ari's like nothing I've ever tasted before and I want all of her, I want to make her come and drink every last drop of her before and after I fuck her. I bet she tastes just like she looks, like she's been glazed in honey and rolled in brown sugar.

I groan as I place my other hand on the back of Jordyn's head and she finally gives in and lets me take control. Three thrusts and I come down Jordyn's throat.

To the thoughts of my fucking student.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Jordyn wipes her mouth after swallowing it all before I pull her up by her hands. "You're such a fucking hot teacher." She laughs.

"So are you."

She kisses me again and shoved my pants all the way down this time. Not breaking our lips apart, I step out of them as we move to the couch. When she's lying back, I roll her dress up her thighs and my fingertips linger over the black lace panties she's got on.

She lifts her hips as I slide them off and toss them.

I hear my phone buzzing, stealing my attention for a moment, but Jordyn pulls me back in with one hand. Her other's got a hold of my cock and as I feel my head rub against her wet slit, all my attention goes back to her.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now