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Tonight is my date with Jordyn. It's all I've been looking forward to after what happened Monday with Ari. I resorted back to only speaking to her in regards to school. At school and at home.

I can tell it bothers her. I caught her lingering around my class a few times, but I never stopped to ask her what she needed. I can't. I'm still in shock over it. I wish it never happened, and even more, I wish I could stop thinking about it so much.

I'd pulled up to Jordyn's house only a minute ago and just received her, I'm coming text.

After school I went straight home. Normally I hang around for forty five minutes, organizing or preparing for the next day. But I wanted to go home to shower and change.

Ari wasn't home, so I was thankful I wouldn't be hounded with questions about where I was going and with who. Not that it's really her place to ask. I don't know where Jordyn planned on going for dinner. I'm not worried about the fries, I'm just grateful I don't have to spend another day dodging alone time with Ari.

I stand, leaned against the passengers door as my eyes roam over her home. A beige house with a big shady tree out front in the small yard space. Within a few minutes she came out, wearing a tan, form fitting, dress. Her violet hair was split down the middle and loosely curled on the ends.

She approaches me with her pretty smile before we walk into a hug.

"It's good to see you," she says over my shoulder.

We separate and I open the door for her. "You ready for those genius fries, or what?"

"I was born ready."

I shut the door after her before running around to the other side and starting the car.

Just as I open my mouth to ask her where this place is, I notice her on her phone opening up the GPS app.

Starting route to Rocket Rudy's

Son of a bitch. I know Maya's working today and she's going to report back to Ari that I was out on a date with Mrs. Sinclair.

That's the last fucking thing I need right now.

To break my teenage roommates heart.

My jaw tenses, but I put the car in reverse.

Soon after pulling into the street, Jordyn began rambling on about something I couldn't even process over the sound of my heart pounding.

Beat after beat. Turn after turn.

And it's a busy Friday night. I see a few girls gliding around the parking lot with trays as I begin to park in an empty stall. The only thing keeping my nerves at bay is the fact that the one I kissed won't be rolling around with the rest of them.

"How about we eat at one of the tables. I'd hate to accidentally spill in your nice car."



"Ari, what happened to your arm?" John, one of the Friday regulars asks me. I hadn't worked all week and I felt guilty. Not only for being at home around Mr. Caswell everyday after school, but also because my team needed me.

So I begged Stacey to let me work and after a back and forth argument over the phone, she finally caved and told me I could work behind the desk while Maya and Sassy handled the orders.

I'll miss wearing my skates for a while, but I can't really risk hurting my arm again. I just want to get out of the house.

"Last Friday I fell pretty bad on my skates."

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now