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The room is pen dropping silent as I continue writing on the board. My hand is lazy, my words are sloppy. I don't even know what I've really written because truthfully my head is elsewhere.

I step back and take a look at the red scribbled words and then pop the cap back on the marker. "Fuck it. We're watching a movie."

The quiet sounds of approval replace the absolute silence we were all just in as I hit the lights and connect my laptop to the projector.

Some teacher I am. Can't even get through a single lesson plan because my brain is stuck on a fucking girl.

What is it? All the testosterone in the air? The smell of teen spirit rubbing off on me the longer I have to be surrounded by all these kids?

The movie starts and the murmuring dulls down to almost nothing as all eyes find the screen. Mine find Ari like a dart to a big red target.

What makes it worse is that she hasn't even acknowledged me since the period started.

I'm used to feeling her eyes on the back of my head, to dodging her in the halls. To praying she weren't sitting on the couch waiting on me when I got inside the house.

Only because I really wanted her to catch me in the halls. I wanted our eyes to lock every fucking day in class. I wanted her sitting right where I lay my head every night, waiting on me so we could spent the rest of the night together. Day after day.

I was just too foolish to realize this until she finally did what I made so clear to her that I wanted.

For her to leave.

I click my pen rapidly to relieve the pent up stress fueled by my racing thoughts. By the fact that she still hasn't looked my way, no matter how long I fix my eyes on her. Knowing that once those lights are back on, I have to pretend I don't notice her either.

"Mr. Cas."

I look to the side of my desk at Kaliyah just as she leans over the flat surface. Her breasts bulge from the top of her low cut tank as she rests her chin on her fist and tilts her head at me innocently.

"Can I go to the rest room?"

"Sure. Whatever." I reach back for the restroom pass and hand it to her without my eyes returning her way. "Don't be gone too long. I'll call security to look for you."

She lingers by a moment, but finally scoffs and leaves the room. She's lucky I chose not to give her a write up for that fucking shirt. That'd be the fifth this week.

If they weren't practically useless, I'd do it more often. They do nothing but give these kids a slap on the wrist even for having pot on campus. They'd get away with anything as long as it wasn't murder.

My head keeps playing that moment over and over again like a broken film roll.

My heart ached as I watched Ari and her shredded yellow backpack follow out behind the mass.

It took everything in me not to call her to my desk before she left. But why not leave well enough alone?

This is what I wanted. Well, what I needed.


I look to my side as Jordyn's pace steadies beside me and I present her a tight smile. We hadn't talked since the night we went out. Not even a text. That night was great with her, but things felt different afterward.

Well, for me at least.

She giggles nervously as she finds her words, tucking a thick violet strand behind her ear. "Things have been weird between us, right?"

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now