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Showing up at her job, Abel? You're better than that. I mean, I thought I was better than that. I thought I could follow unwritten rules, but I've broken about three already.

Ari probably thinks I'm a creep, but I really am just worried about her. What if something did happen to her this morning? What if after she left my house, she was abducted. And all I had to do the night before was call the cops.

I'd never live that down. The guilt that'd eat me alive if something happened to her—a student of mine. Any student of mine. I'd feel the same if it were anyone else. Even Kaliyah.

Two and a half weeks into the school year and I'm already sucked into a students life.

But I'm relieved that she's fine.

Relief is the best way to describe how I felt. When I saw her roll over to my car on her skates, I was over come with the feeling.

It's almost like I've taken on this role of a protector. Like I've imprinted on this girl who gives me a strong impression that she's surrounded by danger. The level of investment I have in this girl doesn't make sense to me. But now that it's started, I don't think it'll stop until I see her in a graduation cap.

Is this what it's like to be a teacher?

After I left the bar with Stephen, I sent Sabrina a text. I could use a pretty distraction to keep my mind off my reality.

I guess I'm in the clear.

Ari meant what she said. She wouldn't tell, I believed that.

If anything, she almost acted like she forgot. Like none of that ever occurred. And for a minute, I questioned whether or not it really did.

"Hi," Sabrina chirps as I lean into her for a hug, planting a kiss on her cheek before we separate.

She decided we see a movie tonight. I prefer the drive in, but because of the weather, a sit down theater is where we're at.

We awkwardly stand in line as she picks up different boxes and bags of candy, reading the small print on the backs like she's really interested in the ingredients.

Whoppers, mike's-and-ikes, chocolate covered raisins.

Almost like she'd never seen them before. But I know it's just to keep her hands busy since we haven't said anything more than a couple of, you look nice's.

Our first date was different. I don't know if it's because Hailey was there to help break the ice, or because Tyson's loud mouth filled all the awkward silence that could have been, but whatever it was tricked me into thinking there was some kind of chemistry between us.

Chemistry that clearly is no where to be seen now.

Letting her choose the movie we're seeing didn't help the situation. Maybe I'm letting my nerves get in the way of having a good time. I don't know.

Either way, chick flicks aren't my thing. I don't think they're any guys thing—which should be obvious to a woman. I mean, if I were picking, I'd compromise. Maybe settle on a comedy. Something we can both enjoy. Share some laughs, bond over corny jokes as we split a large bucket of popcorn. Maybe even get a little crazy and mix the nacho cheddar and cheesy jalapeño seasonings. Instead, she forced me to sit down and watch a story of two women who do more crying than talking and all over the same cheating man like we're a married couple.

So I sat there, glancing down at a blank notification screen every five minutes. Maybe she thought it was rude that my phone kept lighting up in my lap, but I was bored. It couldn't have been that much of a shock to her.

When the movie finally ended, I couldn't get up from my seat fast enough. I'm sure that was about as obvious as the fact that I was sort of regretting coming out tonight. I'd have had more fun grading journals in front of my tv.

"I had a good time, Abel," says Sabrina.

I nod, trailing alongside her as we pursue our slow walk back into the parking lot.

"Me too."

"Maybe next time we could do dinner again." She holds her light jacket in front of her, bouncing a shoulder.

We approach a red Ford, and she unlocks it with the press of a button.


She opens her car door and I prop my arm up on the roof as she tosses the jacket inside.

She turns back to face me and I'm already sensing what's next. Her eyes focus in on mine before falling down to my lips, and the gesture triggers me to inch forward without even thinking. She lifts on her toes to reach my lips and just like that, we kiss.

Our first kiss and it's so anticlimactic, I was more moved over the ending of that lame ass movie we just watched.

"Get home safe." I lick at the thin layer of gloss that's transferred onto me as she fastens her seat belt. I shut the door for her, tightly smiling at her until she's out of sight.

Sabrina's beautiful. She's got a great body. She seems really caring, talks like she's got some level of advanced education. But...I don't know. She just isn't my cup of tea after all, I guess.

I get into my car and sit in silence for a few moments. My thumb unlocks my phone and doesn't stop moving until I'm staring at that haunting hey under Shyla's name.

It's become embarrassing to look at, but I can't bring myself to delete it. To delete it all.

I don't even think I love her anymore, but I was so used to her being around, it's like now that she isn't I almost relapse every time I open the damn thread.

But what if I called her? What if she's waiting on me to be the one to bring us back together? Knowing Shyla, that's probably exactly what it is. That girl had some serious will power. No one could stop her, not even herself at times. Her own personal needs were often put on the back burner all because she wanted to prove a point.

She was slightly crazy in her own way, but I found myself addicted to that.

The fact that she was so unruly about everything, I loved it.

She complained so much and somehow I managed to love her anyway. I loved her unconditionally and I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that ever again.

I'm not sure I even want to.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now