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"Hey Mr. C." I hear a smooth, familiar tone speaking at my side. Mrs. Sinclair has merged into my path, perkily bouncing on every step she makes as we range the halls. "It's been a while since I've seen you around. I was wondering how you've been getting along here."

"Oh, I've been doing pretty well. Thanks." I turn my gaze back down to my open folder, my eyes eagerly skimming over words I'd written, but not registering a single letter.

"I see Ari Reid's been coming to school."

I place my hand on my chest as I clear my throat. Hearing any mention of Ari makes me anxious.

I know I'm just paranoid, but I always feel like there's hidden context behind their words.

"Yeah. Attendance has been good for me as well, Mrs. Sinclair. Glad she's well and attending all of her classes again." We stop in front of my classroom door and I glance up at the mob of young female students who've stopped too, watching us.

Scowling at us.

Well, at her.

"Right." She smiles. "You know, I'd been meaning to ask you—do you like fries?"

"Do I like fries?" My brow lowers in confusion. "Like...the French kind?"

She giggles. "Yes, the French kind. Exactly. There's this place in town, it's a cute little diner that apparently serves gourmet French fries with genius toppings. My niece told me about it."

"Genius, huh?"

She nods at me, a solid smirk on her face. "Mhm. I was thinking we can try it out, say this Friday? If you aren't too swamped with papers, that is."

I feel myself smiling and scratch my head. "Yeah, no I'm definitely not swamped with papers. That sounds fun, Mrs. Sinclair."

"Ugh, you're so professional." She laughs. "Please call me Jordyn."

"Jordyn." I nod, my hands sliding in my pockets. "How about I give you my number then?"

She nods, pulling out her phone quickly distracted by the frowning girls just down the hall. "Girls, lunch is in the cafeteria or out in the quad," she calls out, handing me her cell. "Not in the English building."

I hear them scoff and then the door creaks shut, leaving us alone as I finish inputting my number into her contacts.

"Cool. I'll be talking to you soon, Abel."

Like Ari, she's really trying the first name basis thing. Although, Ari only called me my name once and giggled about it because it felt weird for both of us.

She's adorable, and I fucking hate it.

It's like a kitten that follows you home, and instead of ignoring it you let it inside. Feed it. Look after it. Play with it, and hate loving the fact that it's around. Knowing you can't keep it, but caring enough about the thing to want to.

Getting attached.

I can't get attached to Ari.

I watch as Jordyn leaves the building, coyly strutting toward the door with a slight switch in her hips.

Her walk alone is a distraction and my mind desperately needs it. Since she's cleared out the hallway, I can let her be that for me. Shamelessly.

Part of me thinks she knew I'd be watching. That she did it because she wanted me to have the chance to watch her hips sway all the way past the doors. And maybe I was sort of reeling over the fact that I'd gotten a date with the hottest teacher at Carlson while I kept my eyes glued to her.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now