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"So, have you thought about it?" Abel asks me, seemingly out of nowhere.

But not really because at this point I expect the random questions that just pop into his head.

"About what? My birthday?"

Sometimes it feels like he's more concerned with it than I am. Birthday's have never really been special. The best one I had was at chuck-E-cheese's, and I didn't even get to play any games because my foster mom spent all her money paying for pizza and alcoholic drinks for all her friends. But I actually got a pretty good amount of gifts and that was a new experience in itself.

"Well yeah, but no." He chuckles, weakly from behind the open cabinet and pulls out a white mug. "Have you thought about Homecoming?"

It was really awkward when Ethan asked me about Homecoming yesterday. It was even more awkward knowing Abel watched the tail end of that conversation and then hounded me about my answer.

Still hounding, actually.

And I'm not sure where all this curiosity over my decision is coming from.

On one hand, I don't want to go. It sounds like a hassle. I'd have to buy a ticket and a dress that I can't afford, and people will be there that I don't want to see.

Kaliyah. Her friends.


I miss her, but she doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. Besides, this would be something she'd have dragged me to for sure. She wouldn't have let me skip out on it. Not this year.

Even if it meant going as a group with Kevin's friends so that I didn't feel like a third wheel.

What happened to us?

Then on the other hand, I do want to go.

I want to go to have the experience, even though it'll totally suck because someone's bound to ruin it. Either my bully's, or me. Because let's face it, that's just what I do sometimes.

Also because I actually got asked to a dance for the first time ever. And even though I don't really know Ethan that well, he's always been nice to me and who knows. Maybe something could come out of that.

He's kind of cute in a funny, charming way. Boyishly handsome. Nothing like the teacher I've been living with that looks like a walking Calvin Klein ad. I try not to drool when I catch him sneaking through the house without his shirt. And I think I catch him every time, like I have radar for his bare skin.

"Umm, I don't know," I answer, poking at my bowl of Cheerios with a spoon. "I just don't really have any friends right now and...I don't know."

He sets his mug down on the counter and fills it with hot coffee. "Well, what about Ethan?"

Even without looking up from my bowl I can feel his eyes on me, just for a moment like he's checking my pulse.

"What about him, Mr. C?"

"Just, seems like he likes you." He shrugs in his best nonchalant way."

"Do you...not want me to go with Ethan?"

"No." He wrinkles his chin, his knuckles holding tight onto the mug handle. "I mean...I don't not want you to..."

I quirk my brow at him and he sighs dragging out the stool next to me and having a seat. "Look, Ari. I'll be honest...ever since lines got fuzzy between you and me, I've just been...unsure of how I feel about...."


"In a way, yeah. Just, I feel very protective over you and, if that little fucker does anything—"

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now