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"Fucking Hailey." I groan, my eyes narrowing at her from across the room.

This was supposed to be a friendly brother-sister outing. Instead, there she is, sitting with Tyson and some stranger, probably her boss this time. Just because she thinks double dates are cute, doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

I stand there by the door, stepping back behind a tall, leafy, potted plant as I consider turning around and leaving, but then I see her stand up. She's spotted me.

I brush my hand down my shirt as I come up from behind the leaves and present them a slight smile.

"There's my little brother," she says, grabbing my sleeve when I'm at arms reach. I don't know why she always has to present me in that way. Calling me her little or baby brother isn't going to give these women a good impression of me. Definitely doesn't help me get laid either.

The woman stands from her seat, she's got brown roots that blend into a streaky blonde color, curled on the ends and she's wearing a black, form fitting dress that stops at her ankles.

I reach out to shake her hand, politely holding her fingers in mine as I take in the white smile she's beaming at me. I have to admit, she looks good. Most of the blind dates Hailey's set me up on have been bad. I was slightly interested in Cynthia until she flipped out on me after getting wasted, but this one is actually really pretty. It almost makes up for the fact that I was completely blind sided and didn't know I was walking into a date.

"I'm Abel."

"I know." She laughs, nervously. "I'm Sabrina. It's great to finally meet you."

"Same here." I return a smile to her, not as big as hers as I'm trying to keep cool. We take our seats, side by side. "I've heard a lot." My eyes shoot up at Hailey and hers widen at me.

"Really? Like what?" Sabrina smirks.

In that second I knew I screwed up. "Uh, well just, Hailey's always talking about her pretty friend, Sabrina. She talks a lot about, your hair."

I see Hailey slightly sink into her seat and Tyson bites back the chuckle that's reddening his face.

"Yeah, I did tell him a lot about your hair." Hailey nods. "I love it. I want to do mine just like that."

"Aw." She grins, holding her hands to her chest. "Thanks, Hailey."

Hailey gives her a cheeky smile and I cough as she kicks my shin underneath the table.

"How'd hell week go, eh?" Tyson asks, and I knew the words were going to come flying from his mouth as soon as a good break in conversation came about.

"Not that bad, actually."

His brows rise in dismay, as if he's disappointed that it's been fine for me. Asshole. "No shit?"

"Ty," my sister warns.

"Sorry." He sets his hand on hers and turns back to me. "No kidding, Abel?"

"No, it's been okay. On the first day, there was a fight between a group of girls I teach, but nothing crazy since."

He wrinkles his chin and nods.

"You teach English at Carlson, right?" Sabrina asks, taking her wine glass in hand and turning her body slightly toward mine.

"Yeah, it's my first year."

"At Carlson?"

"Well, yeah at Carlson and teaching in general."

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now