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I definitely snapped on Ari's class, but fucking hell. The way those kids were eyeing her when she bolted for those papers. They sense something. Hopefully it's just favoritism.

Better than what's really going on.

Something that should be totally innocent seeming. I can't let her float around out there with a clear conscience. Her caregivers aren't caring. She's been gone for a month and no one's even noticed.

She's better off with me.

I make sure she eats, has a safe place to sleep and get enough of it, she gets to school, does her work and has an average teenage stress load.

But in doing that, I have taken on a more than average teacher stress load. I'm fucking losing it.

And yeah, I shouldn't have given her the detention, but at least I only gave her detention in my room today after school so that it won't be reported to Principal Morgan. Just one little minor slap on the wrist to keep the suspicion down and hopefully make her an example to the others so that I can gain some control over my students.

I should've slammed one on Kaliyah's desk too, because she was testing me. She was testing Ari. But I can barely stand one period with that girl as it is.

I'm just glad Ari's finally speaking up more often.

"Good morning," Shyla speaks beside me and I don't acknowledge her, just continue waiting for my coffee to heat up in the microwave because I desperately need it after my first class. "What? All of a sudden you don't want to talk to me? All those texts saying you missed me, wanting me back, that's all over with?"

"Yeah, Shyla." I finally look at her, but not in the eye. "Like honestly, what the fuck are you doing here? What's your motive."

She lowers her head and sighs. "I'm just trying to reconnect."


"Yes. As I tried telling you before, I messed up and now I'm realizing I should have done this when I had the chance."

I nod, glancing at the microwave as it continues spinning my mug. Thirty more seconds of this.

"That girl, the one you asked for advice on that night...you've moved on, haven't you?"

I tilt my head, a migraine coming on because I just can't escape thoughts of Ari. Not even for a second. "No, Shyla. I'm single, I just am focusing on me now."

"Then who is she? Or was she? Someone you were seeing?"

"Doesn't matter." The microwave beeps and I eagerly open the door to retrieve my cup. Knowing the caffeine will be the only relief for my headache. "I'll see you around."

I start toward the door, pursing my lips on the edge of my mug but before I can even get a taste, she calls my name.


The old me would have stopped, pivoted around.

Actually, the old me wouldn't have even took a step. I would have heard her out. Each and every lie.

I would have convinced myself she meant it this time, and we would have reconnected for all of maybe two months until she decided again that something was missing and left me.

But today, I keep walking. I push open that door, I have my sip of coffee, and I take on the halls like the sure, confident man I have always wanted to be.

Or at least, half of him.



Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now