45 Pt.1

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The time has come. Ari's birthday week getaway.

Not long ago, I asked her if she wanted to come stay at my parents cabin for the occasion. So that we could be somewhere else. Somewhere even more private and secluded, and just be us.

Not Ari Reid and Mr. Caswell.

Just Ari and Abel, whatever that's like.

Luckily, Ari's birthday is days from thanksgiving. We get a nice little break from school, a much needed week off. It couldn't get any more perfect than this.

I just hope I can make it special for her.

"How's everything been, little brother?" Hailey asks as I snag a couple of shirts from my drawer with my phone pressed to my ear.

Some how I also under pack, no matter how many extra shirts, socks, or boxers I put in my bag something goes missing.

"You know, such is life."

"What's going on?"

My lips move as I count out the pairs of socks I tossed in the bag, but don't make a sound.

Even though I've been planning this for weeks, I still managed to make this a last minute preparation.

I wanted us to be gone as soon as Ari got home from work.

She has her things packed. Punctual as always.

She'll do great things with her life, especially if I have anything to do with it.

"Abel?" Hailey says, reminding me we're still on the phone.

Reminding me I called her for a reason.

"Sorry, Hailey." I shake my head to myself, stopping still in the middle of my bedroom. "Listen, I actually called to let you know I'm gonna be heading out to the lake house this weekend."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, just been a little stressed and it sounded nice to be away from home for a few days."

"Okay, Abel," she tells me. "I mean, if it makes you feel better. Hope everything's okay with you?"

"Yeah, things will be Hails." I zip up my bag. "What about you? You and Ty alright?"

"Yeah, of course." There's a brief pause, and just as I open my mouth to rush off the phone, she adds, "So you won't be at mom's for thanksgiving dinner then?"

Shit. I was so wrapped up in Ari's birthday, I didn't even think about that.

"Oh, yeah I totally forgot." I blow out a breath. "Mom didn't call, I didn't know if plans were up in the air."

"I mean, it's Mom. Plans are up the air, but still solid. You know that."

"Yeah, I'll try to make it back in time. But don't wait up for me."

"Hm...Alright then."

I pull my phone from my ear and check the time. Ari should be heading back now. "Well I'll talk to you when I'm back in town. If I don't make it back in time for thanksgiving, we can go for drinks next week."

"Yeah," she says blandly, but I don't have time to address it. I hate how this phone call is going. "Enjoy your weekend, Abel. Call me when you're home."


I have everything set.

I want this to be a weekend Ari won't ever forget.

Her best birthday yet. And something tells me that won't be hard to do.

A birthday here in my little house, even with whatever fucked up meal I could conjure up, she'd probably love it.

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