45 Pt. 4

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When Tyson and my sister showed up unexpectedly, I thought this little trip would be ruined.

I thought Ari's birthday would be ruined.

But Hailey's been hogging Ari since yesterday, and it doesn't seem like Ari even minds much.

It took my sister only about twenty-four hours to lighten up. She slept on it, had breakfast, lunch, and by our second dinner here, they took to each other so well I'm actually dumbfounded.

Relieved, glad.

But what a fucking curveball.

I sip my beer from my chair as the two girls laugh and giggle by the water. Tyson's manning the grill next to me, and if he thinks I don't notice his constant side eye, he doesn't know me at all.

"Geez man, she's fine with Hailey for a few hours. You didn't really wanna be up her ass all week, did you?"

If I answered that honestly—

"I mean, if you ask me, this is the absolute best case scenario," he adds as if he realized just that quickly he didn't want a response to that question as much as I didn't want to answer it. "They're already getting their little sisterly bond going. Reminds me of when you and me first met."

I lower my eyes to my now warm beer, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth as I think back on it.

Seven years ago when they'd just entered the it's-getting-serious part of their relationship, she brought him to a family party and a few hours in, you couldn't separate us. And she really tried to.

We did get pretty plastered that night off Patron, but still. Tyson is like the brother I always wanted.

Even when he rubs me the wrong way, I could never see myself on bad terms with the guy.

And Hailey never felt like that with Shyla.

They were a cordial hi and bye. Hailey might've complimented something she wore to be nice. Shyla would bring thoughtless gifts for Christmas. It couldn't get any more distant between the two.

I'd have never saw her laughing and enjoying herself with my sister the way Ari is right now.

And up until now, I didn't realize that was something I wanted.

Even though I'd like to have some time with my girl to myself that isn't just up in the bedroom.

Tyson sighs and it breaks me from my thoughts. "Yep, we hit it off way better than Hailey ever imagined we would. Pissed her all the way off because of how possessive she is with her baby brother."

"I think she was more pissed because we were so fucking wasted and you wouldn't stop trying to climb up on the bar." I laugh and he nods.

"Oh yeah." He shrugs, flipping a patty. "I don't know what your plans are with Ari or her plans with you, but either way. Whether this is a for now thing or a long term thing, I think it's a beautiful thing and you should chill out a little. Let them have their girl time and we'll have some guy time."

I hate that.

Those subtly unsubtle remarks.

Like he's nudging at the thoughts that are already eating at me as it is.

I didn't want to think about any of that this week. If me and Ari were going to be a long term or short term thing.

If we really could be.

Sometimes I feel like we can. Sometimes I feel like it wouldn't be right to.

Sometimes I feel like I bit off more than I can chew and I'm already choking on it all. Hands around my neck, turning blue.

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