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Things have been...normal, as strange as it is to say.

Ari settled in so easily. I mean after that night, how could she not.

I'd surrendered to her, to my desires. To my feelings. During the day, we focus on school. And afterward, whatever feels right happens.

No, I haven't broken any other boundaries. We kiss, we touch, hug, make out. And a handful of times it gets a little carried away, but I don't lack self control.

I know when to stop, even though she doesn't make it easy.

If I didn't know any better I'd say she was pushing the limits further every time she got the chance. And fuck, I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider it every time.

But that wouldn't be right of me.

Because reality is, she's still my student. She's still the troubled teen with doe eyes and a rare smile that I feel guilty gushing over whenever I see it. Knowing I was the reason behind it.

It's beautiful and yet it's wrong. I fight off feelings of shame every waking moment out of the house. But as soon as I'm back under that roof with her again it's like any problem there is, isn't one anymore.

"You should let me give you a ride."

"You can't give me a ride, Abel." Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she rolls her eyes like she doesn't expect me to be looking at her, but I am. As usual.

She heads to the bathroom like she forgot something and I'm a few slow steps behind.

I feel guilty. I feel helpless.

The closer I get to this girl, the more I feel I'm not doing enough for her.

She runs the water and wets her hands before pulling at the strands of curls framing her face until they're sleek and shiny and snap back like ringlets. "I don't know why we have to have this conversation every morning as if it's even possible."

"Okay, that's fair. But it's not like I don't want—"

"I know, you want to give me a ride. But you can't."

I let out a sigh as she pulls her hair into a high bun, leaving the slinking curls in front dangling over her eyes.

She's absolutely beautiful.

Her hands rest on the counter top like she's suddenly overwhelmed, and I use the opportunity to gently pinch her chin and turn her head my way.

Her eyes grip mine and she says, "just a little bit longer, right?"

I nod and dip down to meet her lips.

This is as far as it gets. And even this is pushing it, but neither of us can stop it.

What's a kiss anyway?

A gentle sign of affection.


"Got your skates?"

She turns so that I can see her roller skates tied in a knot and draped over her shoulder, giving me a haphazard thumbs up that brings a smile to my face.

I sat in the car until I saw her roll past my driveway. I follow her to school just like this every morning. A few cars back so that it isn't obvious to anyone, or her.

What a crazy reality you've gotten yourself tangled up in, Abel.


I prop my leg up on my knee and reach for my mug. I tilt my head and read it over before taking a sip of coffee.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now