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Life with Abel has been amazing.

He finally is slowly letting his guard down with me, and with every day that passes, I feel closer to him. He finally stopped sleeping on the couch and in bed with me every night. I wake up to a kiss on the forehead, and I make him breakfast while he gets his things together for school.

We text all day, and I'm just excited to see him every chance I get.

"So you're sure you don't want to go to Homecoming?"

I roll my eyes. "For the tenth time, I'm sure. I thought about it, and honestly it just won't be the same without Maya."

"I don't understand why you guys aren't friends anymore."

"I don't really either." I blink a few times. "Just grew apart I guess."

"You know, she still writes about you in her class journal."


He nods. "I'm not supposed to tell you that, but you know."

"What does she say about me?"

"Well, she follows the class prompt for the day, and it's usually good stuff. I don't think she hates you, just maybe you two need distance to figure out where you're headed in life. Senior year is stressful."

I nod. He's probably right. She's feeling the pressure of this whole transition into adulthood, and so am I. But up until now, I just thought I'd be stuck to this stupid city, but now that I have Abel I don't know anymore.

I just want to be wherever he is.

"I really love reading your entries," Abel tells me while I brush his hair back. "...I always save the best for last. That's why it takes me so long to return your journal."

"I mean, you should. That whole book is practically about you...just indirect love notes to my favorite teacher."

He smiles and it feels so warm. His presence is like peace in human form.

"This may sound weird, but you're the reason I even brought the journals in. I felt like you needed an outlet, a safe space. You and a lot of other kids who've written some things in those books."

I continue tracing heart shapes in his chest, my eyes marveling at him while he speaks. And I just can't believe it.

Happiness exists.

Safety exists.

Calmness, and hope, and love exists.

I can't believe I'm here.

And then like I've been hit with a burst of energy I perk up onto an elbow. "What does Kaliyah write about? How much of a big ol' bitch she is?"

"Just airhead activities." He shrugs. "And a whole lot of nothing. She never writes me more than a few lines. She's just one of those people who don't need school. I'm sure her parents will bribe her way into a good college."


He looks at me like he can't get enough. Like he's fueled by the sight of me. I've never had that.

I've just floated around this Earth like a ghost.

Like I don't exist, except to be taunted or taken from. But Abel doesn't want anything from me. He gives and asks for nothing.

His hand cups my cheek and he frowns.

"Ugh, I fucking hate those bitches, Ari. The way they treat you, just knowing I can't really do anything about it. Pisses me off."

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now