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Dear Abel,

For today's prompt, you asked us to describe our future life. Well first off, I don't think anyone can be totally certain about the future. It's not guaranteed. One day you're here, but tomorrow? Who knows. Weird to admit, but because of that logic I've never really lived my life like I had a future to look forward to.

Actually, if I'm being honest, up until now I never thought of much past my eighteenth birthday. It was like I was living only in that short span of years leading up to it. Eighteen was the goal. I'd endure all that I could until then because that marker meant something big, even though I didn't totally know what it was.

Well besides being able to leave home. Being able to graduate. To work more hours and make more money. But then what? Now that I've passed the point I've been building up my life toward, I'm even more confused than before.

I guess I didn't answer your question, did I?

If I have a future life, I don't think it would be much different from my life today. I'd wake up to you every morning and get out of bed without waking you. I'd make your coffee the way you like it, and when you woke up you'd greet me like you always do. With a kiss on my forehead before you kissed my lips. I'm sure by then you'll know how to cook more than a hot pocket, but I'd still make you dinner every night. If I had a future life, we wouldn't be in this stupid city anymore. We'd be somewhere we can be alone. Maybe near the water, but not like the beach. Like at your families lake house.

Yeah, it would be like the week we spent on the lake, every day. In my future life we'd be happy and safe and no one can get in the way of that. If I had a future life, it would be a life where I'm free to be in love with you.

"Alright, time's up," Abel spoke from behind his desk. "Pens down, pass your journals forward please."

I stared at that last sentence like seeing my thoughts outside of my head made it almost real.

I'm still haunted by the what if's, and I know it's risky to use a writing prompt to test his thoughts, to see if he agrees. If he still can say he sees a future life with me also. Truthfully, I don't see a life without him anymore. Even if it sounds crazy, it's true.

Abel's been different since Principal Morgan came in that day and almost caught us making out. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, I mean nothing more than a close call, but I understand why he's so tossed up about it.

I just wish it didn't affect his mood so much. He just sits there at his desk, even when he's teaching. It's been low energy power-points, and all of us taking turns reading out loud from our book, except he makes it a point not to call on me and I don't know if that's because he wants to kill the favoritism rumor or if it's because he knows public speaking gives me anxiety.

Either way I've tried not to press him on anything. It's back to floating around him on campus, but home is the complete opposite. He's still mine when we're at home, so I guess I can stomach being totally ignored at school.

The lunch lady stares at me as I input my student ID number into the pin-pad and carry my tray away, knowing I'm probably only going to eat the strawberries and sun chips because although I'm hungry, I'm never hungry enough to eat soggy bagged pizza and bagged watery chocolate milk. I save my appetite for work and happily eat the mistake orders and leftovers.

In a rush to get out of the cafeteria and make it to my secluded hallway spot, I hit shoulders with someone but thanks to work skills, I only fumble with my tray, but don't drop a single item.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now