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"If there's one thing about Abel, he's going to get himself wrapped up in some shit that was one hundred percent preventable."

I shoot Tyson a look that's meant to tell him to shut his mouth if he knows what's good for him without having to open mine.

He always gets the memo.

Obviously Abel often thinks with the head closest to his feet than the one that got him through college and landed this teaching job, but fuck it. That's my baby brother and it's not his fault he falls so fast and so hard.

And maybe that's why I played match maker all this time.

I tried.

I only sent him the girls that I felt would be good influences. The normal girl. The type that would get along with mom, the type I could take to lunch, and not even mind chatting it up with at family functions.

But he likes what he likes, I guess.

I just never knew teenage student was on the menu.

I find myself rubbing my small belly without even thinking about it. Especially when I'm nervous, or in this case second hand stressing.

This baby is so comforting to me when I'm not leaned over the toilet bowl.

Abel texted me a moment ago letting me know he was on his way back.

The police weren't much help, but at least it's on record that her whereabouts are unknown. Now it's on us to take it into our own hands to find some leads.

And I know where to start.

"Can you fucking chill out over there," I snap at my husband who is raiding Abel's fridge for the third time.

"Sorry." He pauses before his hand can dive back into the chip bag. "I'm a stress eater. You know that."

After a few more minutes of waiting around, Abel enters the house like it's just now hitting him.

Like he's just now realizing the gravity of the situation. That Ari's really missing and it's been more than twenty four hours.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I hear him say quietly to himself before running his palms over his face. I stand over him, placing my hand on his shoulder and just allowing him to take a minute. "Something's wrong, I can feel it Hailey."

"I know, and I say we find her friends, gather some info and go from there."

Tyson got behind the wheel of our SUV and headed to Rocket Rudy's, the little hometown diner Ty and I have only ever talked about checking out, but never got around to it.

I guess Ari works there, and it is a great place to start if we want to make any headway on her whereabouts.

The ride is silent besides Tyson muttering about traffic and Abel's phone trilling over and over as he attempts to call her phone. I honestly just hope it's nothing like he's thinking. I'm sure Ari is fine.

As sad as it is to say, best case scenario would be that she just decided to end things between them. For both of their sakes.

As much as I like her, and as much as I actually like her for Abel, this relationship will do more harm than good, at least while school is a factor.

Maybe they can take a break and rekindle things when she graduates. I understand they're in love, but they need to rethink their priorities right now. This is just too much.

We sat in the car for a few minutes in silence, Ty and I afraid to speak. Unsure of what to say while we slowly realize Abel doesn't know what to do right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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