45 Pt. 5

704 20 2


"I love this." I run my fingers over the fabric, tracing the hemline. It's beautiful. I can't even imagine myself in a dress like this.

And what for?

The only possible occasion would be a school dance, but without any friends or date who's age appropriate—or not my English teacher, it won't happen.

This whole trip was supposed to be fun. Freeing.

Me and Abel in our own little private world, and yet I cannot stop thinking of the negatives.

But they're there, and they aren't going away any time soon.

I think it's clear to both of us.

"Ooh me too, girl. Try it on." Hailey, like a reflex, grabs the dress off the rack and just as quickly snags my wrist to pull me off to the changing room area.

"I don't know—"

"Oh, come on, we have all day. I want to see you in it too." She drapes the dress over my arm and shuts the door on me, leaving me to stare at my reflection in this tiny box on every wall I turn to.

I drop my dress off my shoulders and slip into the beautiful, satin one I was just obsessed with and now regretting even bringing up.

Angling myself in the mirro, I can see how well it hugs my body. Like nothing I've ever worn before, not even my rocket Rudy's skirt which I always thought was so flattering and honestly was one of the reasons I wanted to work there in the first place.

I love this dress even more on me than on the hanger, and a sharp pang hits me in the stomach as I remind myself that a dress like this doesn't need to be on a girl like me.

"Let's see it, Ari," Hailey urges, outside the door, "Don't be shy."

I smile to myself before peeking out at her, and feel suddenly stuck in place when she eagerly raises her brows.


I step out in front of her and see her eyes brighten even more.

"It looks so perfect on you, Ari. What do you think?"

"I love it, I just wish I had a reason to wear something like this."

"Create a reason." She shrugs, coming toward me. "I'm sure Abel would love to take you out or something. Come on, every girl needs a few good staple pieces hanging in her closet."

Closet? More like stuffed in her backpack, which is where it will end up.

"Hm, maybe." I feel her eyes on me as I look at myself once more in the reflection. Taking it all in like I've got a camera behind my eyes, ready to store the image to think back on later.

Hailey walked off like something else snagged her eye just that quickly. I stepped back into the dressing room and changed into my clothes, hanging the dress on the hook in the little square room and leaving it there.

I joined her at another rack, just as she unhooked a silky looking blouse and held it up to get a better look at it.

I stood by while she continued browsing, nodding at everything she said, just pretending I wasn't totally zoned out.

But I can't stop thinking about that phone call from Thomas.

Hailey's been a good distraction, and so has Abel.

So has knowing I'm far away from home. From him.

But we'll be back in a matter of days and I'll have to face whatever he has in store.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now